Meaningful Poem

Confusion Of Life

My name is Judy Einhorn. Since I can remember, I have had a deep love and appreciation for writing and poetry. Most importantly, I often use poetry as a tool for healing and expressing pain that I have a hard time verbalizing or sharing with people. The following poem I wrote while undergoing therapy.

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This writer's poems touch a part of my soul that I keep buried deep inside. It's deep and full of pain and inspiration! I often feel life is too hard to continue, and I write to get it out....

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Chasing Shadows

© more by Judy Einhorn

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2017 with permission of the Author.

For me, life is a struggle.
It's an impossible reality every single day.
I try to understand, try to unlock the secrets,
To unravel the mystery.
I search for meaning, for reasons behind it all,
But I keep on stumbling.
I keep on hitting brick walls.
It's like going in circles, running after something,
With no beginning at all.
But there must be a reason.

I can't precisely describe the way I usually feel,
But I know I'm not happy,
Yet I'm not exactly sad either.
I don't feel like I'm living,
But I don't feel dead either.
I dread my existence,
However, I choose to continue going.
It's like I'm caught in a jumble of emotions,
Enveloped in emptiness and confusion.

I've learned
Unexpressed emotions never die.
They may be buried alive,
But later
They will come forth in uglier ways.
So perhaps,
After so many years of successful subjugation,
I've reached that point
Where all the suppression has broken loose.
It has all been unleashed,
Forced out in desperation,
Creating a storm of raging emotions.
And I am now left to deal
With an endless stream
Of relentless agitation.


more by Judy Einhorn

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Michelle Ferris by Michelle Ferris, Dallas, Texas
  • 5 years ago

This writer's poems touch a part of my soul that I keep buried deep inside. It's deep and full of pain and inspiration! I often feel life is too hard to continue, and I write to get it out. I'm very thankful I've found these! I'm sorry for her pain, but I hope she knows that she is being heard! Thank you for sharing, and know you are helping me to keep fighting the battle.

  • James Wood by James Wood
  • 5 years ago

Wow, I’m ready to cry. This relates so much to what I feel every day. I live life questioning everything because nothing is nothing and doesn’t make sense. Life throws curve balls when I never know when to duck or jump. I’ve been through a great deal of trauma and have never been able to find a way to describe that I don’t really feel. You can never predict what life can bring.

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