Children Poem

Six Year Old Daughter

This poem was inspired by my 6-year-old daughter. Her delight in the small, unimpressive carnival in our hometown was such a sight! The innocence of the moments of that day stay with me now and forever because I jotted down this poem. I hope it reminds some others of their sweet little children as well.

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Published by Family Friend Poems June 2016 with permission of the Author.

Skipping through the cool grass
with eyes shining bright,
heart beating fast,
awaiting a magical night.

The lights color her skin
with purples, reds, and greens
and reflect off of her grin,
showing pure innocent glee.

Amazed by clowns juggling things.
With cotton candy in hand,
she laughs and she sings
with the music band.

All of the games, colors, and bells
excite her little mind.
She'll have happy tales to tell
when she leaves the carnival behind.


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