Cheating Poem

Trust is a most precious gift. Cheating causes scars and makes it hard to trust again.

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I was head over heels for my ex, everyone would talk bad about him and I would always stand up for him. One day my friend told me she saw him out with another girl and I denied it until we...

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© more by Kimmi Lewis

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

I loved you so much.
I didn't care what others said.
When people said you're not loyal,
I'd stare and rock my head.

Then you did it to me.
You slept with my best mate.
I felt really betrayed.
My head was filled with anger and hate.

I honestly can say now
I wanted to kill the both of you.
I also wanted to say
I could really tell, I knew.

But I trusted you,
I trusted her as well.
But now I couldn't care less.
What stupid stories you tell.

You told me it wasn't true.
Then you changed what you said.
I really really hate you.
I want to bust your head.

But everything's ok now.
We have both moved apart.
Treat this new girl better.
She has giving you her heart.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Cheyanne by Cheyanne, Ohio
  • 13 years ago

I was head over heels for my ex, everyone would talk bad about him and I would always stand up for him. One day my friend told me she saw him out with another girl and I denied it until we were out together one night and this girl comes up and kissed him. She told him she loved him, and asked me who I was.

  • Kayla by Kayla, Louisiana
  • 15 years ago

I was very well in love with my ex, we talked about getting married and everything, but when he cheated on me, it ruined everything. I love this poem, it's so true!

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