Friendship Poem by Teens

When I wrote this poem I was thinking about someone I truly care about. I moved away and I don't get to see them I wrote this to show them I still care.

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I can definitely relate! I moved twice, first was from my home Cape Town, South Africa and I not only had to leave my best friend but all of my family (except mum, dad, brother and sisters)....

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Best Friend Moved Away


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2014 with permission of the Author.

Sitting in class
Thinking of you
It's hard to realize
I'm not with you

Knowing you're so far away
Knowing you're not here
It makes me
Want to tear

Knowing you're happy
Fills me with cheer
But knowing you're sad
Fills me with tears

I'm so far away
I can't help but think
I miss you, I love you
But I can't speak


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  • Lels by Lels, Adelaide
  • 11 years ago

I can definitely relate! I moved twice, first was from my home Cape Town, South Africa and I not only had to leave my best friend but all of my family (except mum, dad, brother and sisters). I moved again this time from my old school I had to leave my best friends who were like family to me and I couldn't say goodbye because it just happened on the second day if a new year at the school! And now my parents (more dad than mum) wants to move to Melbourne!

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