Depression Poem by Teens

Poem About Beauty Inside

Going through a hard time, and parents don't understand. I'm not being bullied or anything like other people out there. I'm just very depressed and emotional, but if you are, stay strong and stop self-harm. I'm trying, so should you.

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When you go through a nightmare in life of one thing failing after another, one door closing after another, you may be in a stuck season of your life. No one will tell you this, but I will....

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Published by Family Friend Poems December 2013 with permission of the Author.

She doesn't understand her beauty inside,
so she cries
all them tears that fall from her eyes
and the pain she tries to hide

A few know about her thoughts
and the scars on her body
from the people who taunt

She wants to stop her only relief
but with all the grief
she feels within
it's harder to stop
than it is to begin

Her parents don't understand
and so they just shout
and make her feel even more worthless
and full of doubt

She tried to explain a thousand times
but is never able to seem to find
what will make them listen
instead of fight.

So this poem is ending.
Let's all find a alternative
from the sharp tools across our skin,
and hopefully you will notice
all the beauty within.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Laura Carey-Stafki by Laura Carey-Stafki
  • 4 years ago

When you go through a nightmare in life of one thing failing after another, one door closing after another, you may be in a stuck season of your life. No one will tell you this, but I will. If you have tried to do whatever you could do to get unstuck/happy and no matter what or how long you worked at this--nothing worked, here is my suggestion. 1. Be honest about your self-worth. Deal with healing your past demons. 2. Start seeing yourself in a healthy way and changing the way you feel, believe, and see yourself because if you don't, you will stay stuck on a non-ending loop that will repeat. 3. If you want to have better relationships, then you really need to find a way to get rid of all your emotional problems which means you MUST heal! 3. God sometimes hides us from opportunities so we can have the proper time in our lives to do this kind of work. Take the time to listen to your angels, your intuition, and reach out to a professional with assistance. You will see radical change.

  • Laura Carey-Stafki by Laura Carey-Stafki
  • 7 years ago

In response to those young ladies or young men who did not get the support you needed when you needed it, there are many who are hiding, hurting, and are seeking a safe place to heal or get on the pathway to find solitude in the midst of the pain. I was one of them. I, too, was horribly judged and cruelly humiliated daily. I detested everything about myself, because inside of me I could not see anything of worth or feel wanted or needed. I beat myself up mentally and emotionally and my self-esteem left me more fragmented each time something or someone confirmed what I thought or believed about who I was. Many adults do not get this or have rare exposure to knowing how intense it can be. DBT is a therapy that will help regulate the intensity of these emotions. DBT will re-teach the body and give amazing coping and supportive skills that you apply. Yes, you do need to see a DBT therapist. I can personally say I went and I did this. I do not cut anymore. I have self-respect and care.

  • MA73RS by MA73RS
  • 7 years ago

Hi, I'm 13 and I've been bullied every day of my life and I cut to deal with the grief of it. Recently, everyone at my school started writing terrible things in the girl's bathroom. I've talked to many counselors, but they just say suck it up. My life has been horrible ever since I started school. I've had one boyfriend, and he just changed me. Before I met him I didn't care what people thought of me, but since I broke up with him, I care about other people's opinions about me and usually they aren't the best.

  • Laura Carey-Stafki by Laura Carey-Stafki
  • 4 years ago

Hello, by now three years has passed. I apologize as I had no idea anyone would reply to this. You can contact me and I'd be happy to listen.
I've been through a lot and I believe there are times when us ladies can really support each other. I do believe in this.

Hope to hear from you

  • Juliana by Juliana
  • 7 years ago

You are not alone. Even when times get rough, just know that there is always someone who can help. People can be horrible, and that we can't change. Just remember that when it seems like you've been buried in a dark place, you've really been planted and you will grow. People can be jerks, but keep your head up and let them know that their opinions mean nothing, because they don't. It's your life, not theirs. Birds peck at the best fruit, my friend!
P.S. Those counselors aren't doing their job correctly.

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