Broken Friendship Poem

A True Friendship Test

I thought they were my girls for life, but they ended up showing me something different.

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I know how it feels to. It does hurt even more if you knew them since your birth but one day we will find the real friend.

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Part Of My Past


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2009 with permission of the Author.

We've been friends since almost forever
Remember all the fun times were had always together
We all grew up knowing each other best
I took this experience as a true friendship test
When that beautiful thing came out and was born
You all weren't there and I felt so torn
You guys never showed as if you guys didn't care
The pain that I was feeling was more than I can bear
One day, two weeks, three months passed by
All of those promises that were made became nothing but lies
One thing was for sure that I was a good friend
I guess that saying is true that everything has an end
I cried every day until those tears were my last
But it's okay because you all are part of my past


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Brooklynn Windsor by Brooklynn Windsor
  • 11 years ago

I know how it feels to. It does hurt even more if you knew them since your birth but one day we will find the real friend.

  • Marissa by Marissa, Lake Jackson
  • 14 years ago

I know how it feels too. It is a sad thing ya'll are right. Unfortunately you can never tell who is the best friend and who is the actor. One day we will all meat them and hang with them. However, The old friendships only fell apart so better things would fall together.

  • Jess by Jess, Kidsgrove
  • 15 years ago

This is really sad I know how you feel it's the same with my friends I call them my girlies but they don't include me in any games. I ask myself are they really my friends?

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