Grandmother Death Poem

I would love to be a poet. Right now I'm just starting off. Growing up I was known as the girl that was always picked on and the girl that was so messy. But as long as you pray and stay together, everything will turn out fine!

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I was my grandmothers first grandchild and my daughter was the first great grandchild. My grandparents were the greatest grandparents and my aunt told me that their home was brighter when I...

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A Grandmother's Love


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2009 with permission of the Author.

She was so nice and so sweet.
She had a big family and lots of friends
She was a grandmother that meant so much to me

But I never imagined or pictured saying goodbye
Never thought the day would come
That I would see her one last time

She was always there when no one else was
She never left my side
That's what a loving grandmother does

She was there with me through thick and thin
But whoever knew
Her time would end

I would give up every dollar, quarter, or dime
I'd give up my whole world
Just so I can see you one more time


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Edna by Edna, Qc
  • 12 years ago

I was my grandmothers first grandchild and my daughter was the first great grandchild. My grandparents were the greatest grandparents and my aunt told me that their home was brighter when I was born and my grandparents changed their strict ways. I had a very happy childhood and am so glad that they had a chance to meet my two children. I saw my grandmother pass away in her home and I never felt alone in my life. She was the glue that held the family together. I just take it day by day and try to cheer up my grandfather and keep him company. I will miss my grandmother forever and will never forget the love she gave to all of us. xox neka RIP

  • Renee by Renee, Atlanta
  • 12 years ago

My Grandmother passed this morning (9/16/2012) she was 98 .She was a Christian women. She was a Mother in Our Church. Loved by so many and will be missed by all lives she touched.

  • Betty by Betty, Pittsburgh Pa
  • 12 years ago

My Grandmother passed away August 8th 2012. She was 74 would of been 75 on the 26th of Dec this year. She was a wonderful woman. Its been a little over a month and she is missed oh so much. We knew she was sick and would be leaving. Thank God I had several times to be with her and talk to her in her right mind before she left us. THANK YOU GOD!!! I just hope she knows how much she is missed and how much my children and I miss her! Along with my sister, brothers, Aunts, Mother and Grandfather!! Love you Gram-A-Lamb. May you rest in peace with all our other loved ones and our wonderful father above!!

  • Laurap by Laurap
  • 12 years ago

my gran passed away on Monday 15/05/12 its so upsetting I'm only 12

  • Jasmine by Jasmine, Alabama
  • 13 years ago

My Grandma passed this morning, Friday, Feb. 3, 2012......It's really hard to believe that she is gone. But when I read this poem it made me feel a lot better about her passing. She lived a great life and was loved by many. No more pain, no more worries, no more tears, she's gone on to be in a better place.

  • Nicola Lewis by Nicola Lewis
  • 13 years ago

My Grandma just passed Friday December 27 2011......... It's so hard to believe we still don't believe she is gone she was 80 years old. I love and miss her she was my best friend.

  • Juanita by Juanita, Texas
  • 14 years ago

My grandma just passed Monday November 1, 2010 and she meant so much to me and my family. She was 91 years old and she lived a wonderful life and she is in a better place now.

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