Son Poem

Promising Son To Protect Him From Child Abuse

I wrote this after attending a seminar on child abuse. I was sad to learn that most of the perpetrators of child abuse are trusted and known by the child. I made a solemn promise to myself to do my very best to watch and protect my son at all times. Remember, Parents, just mind that child

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A Father's Love

© more by Ronald Doe

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2008 with permission of the Author.

You came to the world,
On a God blessed night.
Your limbs were all there,
Your heart beat just right.
Your sweet, precious smile,
Brought both pride and joy,
And I proudly said,
"That's my little boy".

As your proud father,
I said that I must.
Teach my precious child,
Love, honor and trust.
I had to treat you,
So tender and mild.
For I was your Dad,
And you were my child.

I knew child abuse,
Had been on the rise.
And many a child,
Had tears in their eyes.
More often than not,
The culprit was known.
So I promised you,
You'd not be alone.

For you were my son,
And I was your trust.
As your proud father,
I said that I  must.
Protect my young son,
From being defiled.
And keep my eyes on,
My precious young child.

For deep down inside,
Your Dad knew for sure.
That when you grew up,
You'd want to explore.
Your innocent eyes,
Somehow wouldn't see.
How cruel and unkind,
That this world could be.

So each day I watched,
With fatherly love.
I taught you to trust,
In God up above.
I never forgot,
The first time you smiled.
Or how I promised,
To protect my child.


more by Ronald Doe

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