Poems About Bad Father Child Relationships

Published: June 2018

Poems About Difficult Father Child Relationships

Father-child relationships can be strained for various reasons, such as lack of communication, different values or beliefs, lack of quality time and unresolved conflicts. These challenges can be difficult, but effort and understanding can help strengthen the bond between a father and child.

A lack of emotional connection can also be a challenge for father-child relationships. If fathers and children don't feel emotionally connected to each other, it can be difficult to build a strong, supportive relationship.

10 Poems About Difficult Father Child Relationships

  1. Daddy

    Famous Poem

    In Sylvia Plath's "Daddy," the poet uses powerful and provocative language to explore complex emotions and relationships. Through vivid imagery and metaphor, Plath delves into her feelings of oppression and resentment, particularly towards her father. The poem is marked by its emotional intensity, with the speaker addressing her deceased father in a confrontational and accusatory manner. The use of metaphor, such as comparing her father to a Nazi and herself to a Jew, adds layers of meaning to the poem, while the repetition of "Daddy" underscores the speaker's struggle to come to terms with her father's memory. Plath's choice of words and imagery creates a vivid and emotionally charged narrative that delves into themes of identity, trauma, and catharsis.

    in Famous Family Poems

    You do not do, you do not do
    Any more, black shoe
    In which I have lived like a foot
    For thirty years, poor and white,


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  2. Last Chance

    • By Stefanie
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

    A poem to her dad from a daughter who is slipping away before his eyes.

    in Father Poems

    Analysis of Form and Technique

    My heart aches, Dad,
    For the things you won't do.
    My soul breaks, Dad,
    For all that we've been through.


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    My dad is a substance abuser. He is abusive physically, emotionally and mentally in every possible way imagine. Since I could remember he has degraded my mum, my brothers and me. My mum...

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  4. Daddy's Little Girl

    • By Emma R. Sims
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

    Do you know what it's like to grow up without a father. Perhaps you would understand this little girl's words.
    By Emma Sims Age:12

    in Family Poems by Teens

    I wish, I wish I was daddy's little girl,
    I would have a dance with him; into his arms I'd twirl.
    I would have someone to hold me close when I get too scared,
    Instead I have to dream about it with my best friend Brittany Baird.


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    I'm 13 years old. I have a dad, but I want him to be with me. We talk on the phone and we say we love each other. But I want him here in my life. I want him to be on my side when my mom...

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  5. I'm Sorry...Dad

    • By Shayla Pearl H.
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

    My Name is Shayla and I am 15 years old. People have been quite an inconsistent factor in my life, my Dad included. For years our relationship was on/off because of his lack of effort, but I always longed for that father/daughter relationship that I saw other young girls have. Now that I'm older, we go through stages of talking and not talking, but it seems to be more on my terms. It is a little sad, but I have my siblings, so I'm never alone and I love my life!

    in Family Poems by Teens

    I'm sorry you missed the day I came home.
    I'm sorry you left my Mum all alone.
    I'm sorry you missed the first time I walked.
    And I'm sorry you missed the first time I talked.


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    Featured Shared Story

    My dad was deported for being caught with drugs a few months before I was born. He wasn't there for any of my firsts. He didn't see me until I was a year old and we moved to Mexico. I grew up...

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  7. Broken Hearted Daughter

    • By Tarryn Miller
    • Published by Family Friend Poems June 2014 with permission of the Author.

    From age 13 to present (age 18) my relationship with my father has been starting to fade away. We have not gotten along, and deep down inside I wish we could. This poem goes out to all of the daughters feeling mentally abused or emotionally heart broken by their fathers. I hope for daughters to read this and know that they're not the only ones suffering through a rough time with their fathers.

    in Family Poems by Teens

    Photographs of you holding me in your arms,
    You protected me from any kind of harm,
    You influenced me to play guitar,
    I was always your number one rock star.


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    I wish my dad understood what he has put me through. He treats me like this every 3 month and in the 4th month he want to see me and make sure I am ok. But I'm not telling him how I'm really...

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  8. A Trapped Soul

    • By Chyleise A. Barnhill
    • Published by Family Friend Poems November 2, 2023 with permission of the Author.

    The reason why I decided to write A Trapped Soul is because I have a narcissist father and everyday is a battle. A battle of trying to constantly fight to get freedom, fighting to be heard, and knowledged. I have no right to make a decision because in his eyes It's wrong. It doesn't matter how hard I try to make him happy or satisfied, I'll never live up to his expectations of me.

    in Anger Poems

    Please don't shut me in
    Don't hide me from the treasures buried
    deep within the world,
    Don't bring me down with destruction


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  9. Broken

    • By Sarah R.Ramsey
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2008 with permission of the Author.

    An eleven-year-old girl pours out what her "father" did to her, also saying what she thinks of him...

    in Family Poems by Teens

    You broke my trust for you
    Just as you broke your promises.
    You broke my love for you
    Just as you can break a twig.


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    I can relate. My Dad is an alcoholic and he has crushed my heart. He has broken me beyond repair.

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  10. Hey Daddy, Please Come Back

    • By Jesse-Ryan G. Debenport
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006 with permission of the Author.

    A son pleading for his father not to leave tells him how special he is.

    in Father Poems

    Hey Daddy,

    There are a couple of things I think you missed
    So write this down, make a little list.


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    Featured Shared Story

    This poem was a major speaker of my feelings toward my father who at this time is not present in my life. I resent him for all the emotional and physical abuse, but I often catch myself...

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  11. To My Dad

    • By Cassi
    • Published by Family Friend Poems May 2009 with permission of the Author.

    This poem is for my Daddy. We may not always see eye-to-eye, but I will always love him.

    in Father Poems

    I wonder what it's like
    to not put up a fight
    with someone you're supposed to love so dearly
    and get some sleep at night.


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    I can really understand this poem I'm 14 and everytime me and my dad talked we would end up yelling at each other and the conversation would end with him hitting me or kicking me to the...

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  12. Despite All Fault

    • By Tasha S. Smith
    • Published by Family Friend Poems May 2006 with permission of the Author.

    A letter from daughter to father, pleading with him to be in her life.

    in Anger Poems

    Sometimes I wonder if you even care,
    because when I need you, you aren't there.

    No matter how much I want to hate you, I can't;


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    You are a very strong young girl. I don't know if it's because he hasn't let you down enough times yet for you to lose the love you have for him or if maybe I really do deep down love my...

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