Anger Poem

Trying To Escape A Toxic Cycle

The reason why I decided to write A Trapped Soul is because I have a narcissist father and everyday is a battle. A battle of trying to constantly fight to get freedom, fighting to be heard, and knowledged. I have no right to make a decision because in his eyes It's wrong. It doesn't matter how hard I try to make him happy or satisfied, I'll never live up to his expectations of me.

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A Trapped Soul

Chyleise A. Barnhill ©

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2, 2023 with permission of the Author.

Please don't shut me in
Don't hide me from the treasures buried
deep within the world,
Don't bring me down with destruction
The way you did her.
It's never your fault, you never
Do anything.
telling people I don't appreciate you or
what you've done.
When you're the only one to seem ungrateful
Ungrateful that I'm even here
I know I'm not what you hoped for
You wanted a him and not a her
Well I didn't hope for this either
I hoped to have a father I could vent to
A father I could come home and tell my day to
Not a father I lie to or one who lies to me, and
believes it's the truth.
You told me "Home is safe when you are here"
But I feel safer away from you
This isn't home as long as I see your face
I never forget how you once made her feel,
how you made me feel
"Oh baby, what's wrong?"
"You know I'm here for you"...
You never once asked me why, just why?
Don't you ever wonder why I don't like your hugs or your kisses?
Why do I struggle to say I love you back?
I just want to be, Please just let me be...


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