Hope Poem

Some of the most difficult times in life come from self-inflicted choices and their negative consequences. I've been in both roles; the one making the choice and one of many wanting to help others through their struggles as a result of their personal choices. This poem is about those moments and the process of getting back on track. Hopefully this will inspire and others can relate.

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I truly appreciate the outreach, Ann! Your encouraging words help me to believe that I'm, hopefully, at least touching a few hearts... which is all we can ask for really as we share a piece...

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Back On Track

Doug W Benson © more by Doug W Benson

Published by Family Friend Poems March 11, 2024 with permission of the Author.

You slipped and fell
We all have too
So please don't think
That it's just you

Time in the ditch
Is a time to learn
To recall what happened
The crash, the burn

But then change your focus
To the task at hand
Of climbing back up
Back onto dry land

Use rocks of faith
And roots of hope
Ask loved ones near
To send down a rope

And once back on top
All safe and sound
Take only a moment
For feeling down

Then lift up your head
Put your shoulders back
Dry your tears
And get back on track

Don't let that derail you
Take pride in your goal
Stay confident, committed
A newly refined soul

Life isn't easy
Together we’ll get through
You know you need us
And we certainly need you!



Doug William Benson has been a practicing physical therapist since 2007. His areas of interest and expertise are in geriatric and neurological rehabilitation including stroke, traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury. His newfound love for poetry and expressive writing comes from the recent rediscovery of various poems he wrote in junior...

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You are right - life is not easy, but poems like yours help to see us through the difficult times.

Very best wishes


I truly appreciate the outreach, Ann! Your encouraging words help me to believe that I'm, hopefully, at least touching a few hearts... which is all we can ask for really as we share a piece of ours. Thanks again!


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