Father Poem

This poem is for my Daddy. We may not always see eye-to-eye, but I will always love him.

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I can really understand this poem I'm 14 and everytime me and my dad talked we would end up yelling at each other and the conversation would end with him hitting me or kicking me to the...

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To My Dad

© more by Cassi

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2009 with permission of the Author.

I wonder what it's like
to not put up a fight
with someone you're supposed to love so dearly
and get some sleep at night.

I look through these photos
of me and you together,
pictures of you and me smiling
in nice or raining weather.

I wish we could go back to that,
smiling together every day,
but now it's the occasional smile;
it's just not the same today.

Now I'm all grown up.
I'm smart and strong-willed.
You're still much smarter than me,
and your strength just keeps on building.

I'm tired of these fights
and you making me mad.
When I try to get along,
the results just end up sad.

So I'll keep trying
for the moon and stars above.
I may not act like it, Daddy,
but you I will always love.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tammy by Tammy, Tx.
  • 12 years ago

I can really understand this poem I'm 14 and everytime me and my dad talked we would end up yelling at each other and the conversation would end with him hitting me or kicking me to the ground and me having to go to my room without eating that night. One time I didn't eat for a whole week I'm 14, 4 foot 10 inches and only 75 lbs. I was raped by my uncle (dads bother) and when he went to jail my dad told me I was the biggest mistake of his life. My parents got divorced 11-17-11 I haven't spoken to my dad since and I tell people I hate him but when someone tries to bad mouth him I got off in their face even my mom! Everynight since my parents split I have cried myself to sleep and because my dads not with me. I smoke drink and pop pills and I'm only 14 people don't see how important a dad is until they loose him

  • Gina Higgins by Gina Higgins, Illinois
  • 14 years ago

I like this poem because I can relate to it me and my dad no longer speak because everytime we did we would fight. I may have made mistakes in my life but that's when your parents are supposed to stick by your side right? Well not my dad I was raped last summer and when my mom told my dad about it all he did was say I asked for it and that I was a slut.. I was shocked by what my father said and to this day he won't stop with all the rude comments, but no matter what I will always love him because he's my daddy and I will always be his babygirl <3

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