March 2024 Poetry Contest - $500 Cash Prize
Published: March 3, 2024

These poems have been submitted to the March 2024 Poetry Contest. Below this list you will find the semi-finalist poems.
- March 2024 Poetry Contest, Prize $500 Cash!
- Submission Deadline is March 31st. CLOSED
- Semi-Finalists Published here April 1- April 5th.
- Winner Announced: April 5th
- The Winning Poem is - Gullible Guy by Richard Thomas
These poems have been submitted to the March 2024 Poetry Contest.
- Pretend To Know by Karol L. Capuchino
- Me Too by Cindy1000
- The Gift Of Hindsight by Sara Hollie
- Spring by Sherrella Rollins
- The Cry For Help by Amelia A. Ortiz
- Heaven's Creations by Kate Cassidy
- The Rose I Picked by Shirley Bunyan
- A Precious Toil by Esther Green
- If It Happens Before Your Eyes by Audra A. Allensworth
- The Atom Bomb by Daniel H. Garza
- Gullible Guy by Richard Thomas
- Boardwalk Strolls by Judith J Bentley
- Back On Track by Doug William Benson
- Poisoned Secrets by Lish_Ford18
- Can I Really Love Anything? by Lisa E. Sheroan
- The Whisper by Mary Denise Lyons
- Hope For Another Day by Fairytalefun
- Grief by Candace L. Mahoney
- The One by Gracielle N. Hew A Kee
- Pull A Petal by Norrel Mcfadden
- Call The King by Dávid Magassy
- How Hard The Heart by Sweet Solitude
- Rosie by Noel Avis
- Another Long Night by Ellie M. Lightman
- THREE DAYS by Raelene J. Elliss
- O' To Dream Of An Angel by Nicholas J. Thomas
- Let Me Go by Laura Sanders
- Ties That Bind by Joe Aseneka
- Late Frost Remembered by Eric A. Greaves
- I Don't Want My Boy To Go by Lisa E. Sheroan
- Maybe by Nevaeh
- The Process by Walker R. W
- Between The Seasons Ripe Budding Flowers by Eric English
- My Four Seasons by Jennifer Caldwell
- The Right Thing by Audra A. Allensworth
- One Mistake Can Change Everything by Marcia A. Newton
The poems below have been selected as semi-finalists for the March 2024 Poetry Contest.
We look for poems that have a clear message, Are heartfelt, Appeal to a wide audience
Our Editors determine the winning poem based on content, but you can let us know your top poems by rating, sharing, adding to your favorites and commenting on your favorite poems.
View our Previous Poetry Contest Winners
March 2024 Poetry Contest Semi-Finalists
Gullible Guy
I'm a pigeon and pushover, patsy and prey
Who's persuaded by pitches of grifters to pay.
I'm a con artist's picnic and flimflammer's feast
Who is fooled and finagled and flummoxed and fleeced.Featured Shared StoryGreat poem - so good to read a poem that brings a smile to your face. More please. Very best wishes, Ann
Back On Track
in Hope Poems
You slipped and fell
We all have too
So please don't think
That it's just youFeatured Shared StoryI truly appreciate the outreach, Ann! Your encouraging words help me to believe that I'm, hopefully, at least touching a few hearts... which is all we can ask for really as we share a piece...
I Don't Want My Boy To Go
in Grief Poems
Deep sadness overcame me
When I heard the dreadful news
God, please say it isn't so
I don't want my boy to goFeatured Shared StoryI empathize with you and most assuredly feel your pain. My dad first got Prostate Cancer, then Esophageal Cancer (was in coma for 31 days) and finally died 2007 of Lung Cancer. Sad, I know...
Another Long Night
In the night they come and go
Making fun of all I know
Twisting time and thoughts and matter
And tell me I'm the Maddest HatterFeatured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Let Me Go
Let me go, release me like a flying kite.
Let me go, let me fade, like day turns to night.
Watch me sink, like the deep orange setting sun.
For 'twas a sunset of dreams I once provided for everyone.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Can I Really Love Anything?
Can I really love anything?
My home, my life, the fantasy?
What trouble will it bring,
If I can't love anything?Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
in Grief Poems
A tsunami of fire
A wall with no gate
Prayers unanswered
Utterly ignoredFeatured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
My Four Seasons
Winter oh winter, how long will you stay?
Winter good old winter will you ever go away?
I liked you in the beginning and in the middle you were fine!
But, can someone pass me some crackers to go with my whine?Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Poisoned Secrets
in Abuse Poems
Bodies contaminated, tainted by his sin,
Trapped in cycles, impossible to win.
Forced into silence, bearing heavy weight,
Burdened by shame, consumed by hate.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Grandad, grandad! Come and see!
My little Rosie says to me
I've made a den where I can hide
And keep my dollies safe insideFeatured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
The Whisper
In these days of chaos and doubt,
Don't listen to the loudest shout.
Listen to the whisper within.
Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!