Grief Poem

The Loss Of A Beloved Pet

My poem is about the heartbreak of knowing a beloved pet has a terminal, incurable disease. It touches on some of the stages of grief we experience when facing or experiencing a difficult loss.

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I empathize with you and most assuredly feel your pain. My dad first got Prostate Cancer, then Esophageal Cancer (was in coma for 31 days) and finally died 2007 of Lung Cancer. Sad, I know...

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I Don't Want My Boy To Go

Lisa E. Sheroan © more by Lisa E. Sheroan

Published by Family Friend Poems April 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

Deep sadness overcame me
When I heard the dreadful news
God, please say it isn't so
I don't want my boy to go

You'd close your brown eyes soon and rest
God, I know that I am blessed
But my heart aches anyway
Please, God, let my sweet boy stay!

Find the moment just before
Beg time to stop, reverse
Erase the cancer from memory
Release you from its curse

It seems it wasn't meant to be
Why give this gift to me?
And then take him in this way?
I want my boy to stay!

Beautiful and pure
I couldn't offer you a cure
"You don't deserve this," I would say
I was grateful for each day

Before the brightly colored bridge
And the peaceful, rocky stream
Beside my mother's tree
Curl up right here next to me

I'll stroke you gently as you sleep
Dreams of landscapes far and wide
Lakes and rivers, puddles too
Made entirely for you

And on that final day
I kissed your troubles all away
Whispered how I love you so
I didn't want my boy to go



Ms. Sheroan’s mother and brother are often her poetic muses, though she occasionally explores writing creatively about life, love and nature. Ms. Sheroan enjoys sketching and gardening in her free time. She’s a fan of period romance movies. She lives in Indianapolis and is “mom” to her stunning German Shepherd and...

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How I feel for you in the writing of this poem. I have recently lost my husband to cancer and now my beloved daughter-in-law has been diagnosed with cancer of the brain. Cancer is so cruel. Well done you being able to write about it. Best wishes, Ann.

  • Chiefrobby by Chiefrobby
  • 6 months ago

I empathize with you and most assuredly feel your pain. My dad first got Prostate Cancer, then Esophageal Cancer (was in coma for 31 days) and finally died 2007 of Lung Cancer. Sad, I know but there is a silver lining. Dad was a preacher for many years and in September 2006 I was diagnosed with Leukemia. I have a cassette tape of one of his sermons where he asked the church to pray, with him, for God to heal me and take him instead. Next checkup, no sign of cancer. Dad died September 2007 of cancer. I've had both Prostate and Lung Cancer since then and am still here. Only God knows why.

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