Grandparents Day Poems

Published: February 2023

Beautiful Poems For Grandparents: Poems To Celebrate Grandparents Day

Many people may not know that Grandparents Day exists. Some may choose to ignore it. They may think, "must we have a day for every person in the universe, when does all this day naming end?" Sadly, those people probably did not have an opportunity to develop a relationship with their grandparents. They don't understand the gifts that a grandparents can give. Grandparents can provide a sense of continuity and roots to their grandchildren. They can provide a sense that life matters, and the ability to see life within a larger context of time. Happy Grandparents Day!

Grandparents Day is an official US national holiday, signed by President Carter in 1978 and celebrated on the first Sunday after Labor Day. The statute cites the day's purpose: " honor grandparents, to give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children's children, and to help children become aware of strength, information, and guidance older people can offer"

Beautiful Poems For Grandparents: Poems To Celebrate Grandparents Day

  1. Nana's Little Angel

    • By Lindsey M. Moulton
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2006 with permission of the Author.

    A poem about a very special woman in the life of her granddaughter.

    in Grandmother Poems

    Nana, you are special.
    Your love knows no bounds.
    A room takes special warmth whenever you're around.
    You think I'm cute and talented and maybe even wise,


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    Thanks for this poem it is really nice. My Nana's birthday is tomorrow and I wanted a poem for her and I'm glad I chose this site. Thanks again. Also to the writer thank you for writing a...

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  2. A True Hero

    • By Julie Mills
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2014 with permission of the Author.

    This poem was inspired by a true gentleman hero, whom I was very privileged to know as my father-in-law. He passed away at the age of ninety-two in March 2012. Despite having seen the atrocities of war, he had a fondness for the good in all people and would never condemn people for their actions. He worked hard for most of his life, was active and always had a smile. Many people will feel the loss of this kind gentleman.

    in Grandfather Poems

    What makes a man a hero?
    I've often thought this through.
    It's someone who is macho?
    It's someone who is true?


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  4. The Way We Were Our Bond

    • By Sinead Harris
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2007 with permission of the Author.

    This is the story of the bond I had with my grandfather before he died. When he died a little piece of me died, too.

    in Grandfather Poems

    Beautiful blue eyes with serenity of the sea,
    Reflection of the skies on a bright and sunny day,
    My little hand in yours, my protector and my guide,
    Don't walk too fast, Granddad, for I am by your side.


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    I read this poem at my grandfather's funeral and it was so perfect. This perfectly describes my grandfather and how he loved me and the entire family. I wish I would have found it before he...

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  5. My Granddaddy, My Best Friend

    • By Lauren E. Garner
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006 with permission of the Author.

    A girl writes a tribute to her grandfather, her friend, guide, and the light of her life.

    in Grandfather Poems

    The one that is my friend,
    The one that is my guide.
    How much I love and how much I care,
    Is too much to describe.

    Poem Tribute To Grandpa, My Granddaddy, My Best Friend

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    At least you spent 14 years with him. I've never even seen my maternal grandpa, and my paternal grandpa expired when I was 4.

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  7. My Guardian Angel

    • By Susan Perry
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2015 with permission of the Author.

    My parents divorced when I was two, and my Grandmother helped raise and care for me. Although she was divorced herself after 35 years of marriage, she somehow managed to take care of me and her two grown sons, one of whom was an alcoholic and the other had mental issues. She also, with open arms, took in my uncle's son at a very young age who was handicapped. Although we didn't have much, we all had my Grandmother's love.
    My Grandmother passed away 2 years ago; she will forever be in my heart.

    in Grandmother Poems

    Are there guardian angels?
    I believe so
    For God gave me a beautiful lady
    to help watch me grow


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    I love my grandmother. My mother left me within six months after I was born and my father died in an accident. My mother never looked back. My grandmother was the one who raised me up till...

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  8. Grandma's Wings

    • By Ricky R. Hernandez
    • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2006 with permission of the Author.

    Some grandmas are so special that they really must be angels!

    in Grandmother Poems

    Grandma, I wonder
    where you keep your wings.

    Are they hung in your closet


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    I have such a weakness for grandmas. It has to be because of my grandmother. She was the single most influential person in my life. She was my very own angel and I thank God for allowing her...

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  9. Grandma's Lil' Girl

    • By Donna C. Elkins
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2006 with permission of the Author.

    Taking the time to thank the ones in our life who made a difference

    in Grandmother Poems

    Grandma, I was thinking of you today and a smile tickled my face.
    Remembering all the things you taught me, like always to say grace.
    I remember sitting in your lap while you read the Bible out loud,
    To hear me sing a gospel song made you so proud.


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    I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my nana a couple months ago. She meant everything to me, still does. I came here looking for inspiration for my next poem for class. Thank you for writing...

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  10. Just Like Him

    • By Jackie
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2009 with permission of the Author.

    in Grandfather Poems

    He taught me how to build a fire;
    he gave me hope and desire.

    He taught me how to build a chair;


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    This is an extravagant poem. I hope to see more poems like this because this one really touched my heart.

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  11. I Was Thinking Of Love And You Came To Mind

    • By April Johnson
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

    The poem below is dedicated to my Grandmother.

    in Grandmother Poems

    I was thinking of love, and you came to mind.
    I have many memories I would like to rewind.

    Do you remember those days I would lie in your lap


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    My dad grew up hungry and on a dirt floor. He had to work when he was twelve. He sold ice cream cones to people at the train station. My mother had four siblings and a father who left and...

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  12. Profile Of My Grandma

    • By Bridget A. Miller
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

    Profile of Grandma

    in Grandmother Poems

    The way it smells when she cooks.
    When you're bad, the way she looks.
    How she would do anything to help a friend.
    The way she'll stick by you until the end.


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    Today is my mamaw's birthday and I called to read it to her and she started crying saying it was the most beautiful thing she has ever heard.

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  13. Great-Grandmother, A Beautiful Woman

    • By Jacquia Lindsay
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2006 with permission of the Author.

    A poem written in tribute to a great and noble woman: a great-grandmother who has seen and suffered much and is full of love and strength.

    in Grandmother Poems

    Strong, beautiful black woman, so peaceful and serene,
    You deserve to live in Paradise and shown the finer things.
    Life has dealt you plenty of cards, some winning, others bad,
    And tides have brought in waves of memories: both happy and sad.


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    I hope you don't mind that I shared this poem with a Great Grandmother in our church, she has custody of her two great grandchildren, one of them is 8 and the other is just born 3 months...

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  14. To My Nana

    • By Kaili S. Kowalski
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

    For a special Nana who always made time for her granddaughter.

    in Grandmother Poems

    Who would try to give me all the world
    As far as she could see?

    Who always has two open arms


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    This poem reminds me of my only grandchild, Faith. She is my son's daughter and was born when he was only 20 and I was 42 so I was not quite ready to be called "Grandma" yet but I loved...

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  15. How Lucky I Am

    • By Barbara Snook
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006 with permission of the Author.

    Lucky enough to grow up with a loving grandmother and she realizes it too

    in Grandmother Poems

    Buttons from the button box
    Stringing them end to end
    More precious in my memories
    Than the most expensive gem.

    Raised By A Special Nana, How Lucky I Am

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  16. Grandmother

    • By Sheria S. Barnett
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

    A grandmother binds her family together with her unconditional love.

    in Grandmother Poems

    Her words
    are like a golden thread that binds our family.
    Her wisdom,
    like an art that shares so generously.


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  17. Grandma

    • By Shannon E. Hauser
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

    Grandma, you are all these things to me, and I will be these to you.

    in Grandmother Poems

    You're my earth, you're my world;
    you're my moon that circles my world.
    You're my moon, you're my star;
    you're the one I look upon in the dark.


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    I love my grandparents a lot. My grandma is unwell now-a-days, she is in the ICU. I wish every single person reading this would please pray for her. I can't imagine my life without her....

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  18. Granny

    • By Demecia Dean
    • Published by Family Friend Poems June 2008 with permission of the Author.

    Written for a grandmother who has been through it all and then more. With each time, she kept her family in mind and survived all over again.

    in Grandmother Poems

    Her smile can light up a room
    Her presence is of grace
    Her opinions are heard without one word
    but by the look upon her face


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    This is everything that my grandmother had done for me until she deid from cancer but all I know is when my kids have their own. I will be just like her because she showed me how to be the...

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  19. Happy Birthday, Grandma

    • By Mary Flannery
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2014 with permission of the Author.

    My son and I actually wrote this for his grandma's 75th birthday.

    in Birthday Poems

    Happy Birthday, Grandma
    It's your special day
    You show us how you love us
    In so many ways


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  20. Grandma, I Remember

    • By Zoe
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2007 with permission of the Author.

    A woman remembers her grandmother. She remembers the special times they shared.

    in Grandmother Poems

    All the things you used to do,
    cooking dinner on Sunday,
    making homemade stew,
    sitting for hours


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  21. What Is A Grandpa?

    • By Jessica Shaw
    • Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

    This is a poem that I wrote for my grandpa on his 81st birthday. He is no longer here with me, but I know that he is reading this poem up in heaven.

    in Grandfather Poems

    What is a Grandpa?

    A grandpa is a father; a grandpa is a son.
    A grandpa is a husband; all grandpas are loved.


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    I just lost my grandpa a week before last, he passed in his sleep two days before my birthday. I was very close to him, he was my best friend and like a dad to me. But he's in heaven with my...

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