Grandfather Poem

A Grandfather Is Many Things Poem

This is a poem that I wrote for my grandpa on his 81st birthday. He is no longer here with me, but I know that he is reading this poem up in heaven.

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I just lost my grandpa a week before last, he passed in his sleep two days before my birthday. I was very close to him, he was my best friend and like a dad to me. But he's in heaven with my...

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What Is A Grandpa?

© more by Jessica Shaw

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

What is a Grandpa?

A grandpa is a father; a grandpa is a son.
A grandpa is a husband; all grandpas are loved.
Some grandpas have hair, while others are bald.
Some grandpas fish, and others like hunting.
A grandpa can be more than just a grandpa though.
A grandpa can be a friend who knows how to have fun.
All grandpas are special to many other people.
But no other grandpa is just like mine.
Grandpas are unique in many different ways.
No two grandpas are alike.
My grandpa might not be like he is now,
But even if that happened I know one thing that's true.
My grandpa will always be a special person to me.


more by Jessica Shaw

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nicole Wilkins by Nicole Wilkins
  • 9 years ago

I just lost my grandpa a week before last, he passed in his sleep two days before my birthday. I was very close to him, he was my best friend and like a dad to me. But he's in heaven with my grandma, and it's really hard on me because of being really close to him. I don't know what to do sometimes,I am trying so hard not to fall apart.

  • Isaiah Montoya by Isaiah Montoya, Sanbernardino Ca.
  • 10 years ago

My grandpa is funny and works hard driving a big truck. I love my grandpa, I call him Grammpy and I call my grandma Grammy. I love them both and they love me and my brother very much. I am happy to have them in my life and my Grammy and Grampy say they are blessed to have us in their lives too.

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