December 2023 Poetry Contest - $500 Cash Prize

Published: December 6, 2023

December 2023 Poetry Contest Semi-finalists

These poems have been submitted to the December 2023 Poetry Contest. Below this list you will find the semi-finalist poems.

  • December 2023 Poetry Contest, First Prize $500 Cash!
  • Submission Deadline is December 31. CLOSED.
  • Semi-Finalists Published here through January 6th CLOSED.
  • Winner Announced: January 7th
  • The Winning Poem is - "Concrete Angel" by Jack Elliott Jr. Congratulations!

These poems have been submitted to the December 2023 Poetry Contest.

  • Pretend by Julie Wichterman
  • I Am A Victim by Rhonda G. Hitch
  • The Upshot Of Your Experiment by Rachel Khorashadi
  • I Dropped By This Morning by Robert L. Chisholm
  • Tea Alchemy by Ahlam B.Saga
  • Smile by Aaron R. Tercero-Lozano
  • I Hate by Raquel J. Lesser
  • Your Love, Soul Love by SincerelyCharliee
  • What The Princess Wanted by Kajari Agrawal
  • Lost In Emotion by Josephine Zavala-Florez
  • Love Is .... by Ilona M. Blake
  • Paint Me In Poetry by Carolyn V. June-Jackson
  • For My Dad by HelenKGW
  • The Man Upstairs by Rosalie B
  • My Shattered Soul by Dana L. Jordahl
  • Family Love, And Loss by Cheryl CMP
  • The Steward by Sylvia Stults
  • Seasons Of Grief by Belinda Stotler
  • I Promise by Rosemary Trujillo
  • The Law Of Nature by Philip Jorgenson
  • Special Rain Drops by Ken Brantley
  • It's All In The Eyes by Katy A. Brown
  • A Path To Somewhere by Sarah Jane E. Conklin
  • SHUT THE GATE MATE by Robert Entriken
  • It's Hard, Sometimes by Sierra S. Emrick
  • That's Just What Families Do by Don Hamaliuk
  • Mysterious Pain by Peggy Stewart
  • Concrete Angel by Seawolf
  • Inferno's Essence by Caleb Burphy
  • Our Love by Charles J. Booker
  • Hello, I Love You, Goodbye by Taylor Jones
  • The Wedding Gone Awry by Chase M. Testa
  • Heart Song by Keith Acker
  • Life Is A Medley by Robert L. Chisholm
  • Merry Christmas And Thanks For The Memories by Samuel Aragone
  • Alienated, And Cast Away, But Not Forever by Yair A. Friedman
  • The Greatest Race by Jeff Opperman
  • Winter Time by Pauline Faller
  • The Invitation by Doug W. Benson
  • Trapped Inside by Dedicated_mama
  • Don't Dance On The Cereal by Janet Eggen
  • Take Back Your Life by Tonya R. Zuber
  • The Purpose by Robert
  • The Search For Real Friends by Danielle Anglin
  • Little Joyful Motions by Ben J. Connolly
  • BOND Titles by Sandra Jebb
  • Stay On Your Road, Please by Mia A. Lambert
  • You, My Sun by Bistelle
  • No Refuge by Roger W. Sandmann
  • My Last Goodbye by Dustin Stegall
  • VIRGIN MARY by Raelene J. Elliss
  • A Letter To Santa by Ann D. Stevenson
  • STREET MAN by James C. Gordon
  • Last Night I Had A Dream by Michael A. Daigneault
  • Is Perception Reality??? by Robert C. Saunders
  • Goodbye Queen Of Hearts by Iola Zaan
  • Before And After by Chris Gallagher
  • At The End It Is One Another Story by Kalhari Kaluarachchi
  • The Cry Of The Monarch Butterfly by Carolyn V. June-Jackson
  • A Specular Christmas by Ann D. Stevenson
  • I Cry by Watyne Greer
  • Grandpa by Lisa Jessie
  • Glimpses by Keith Lewthwaite
  • Restless Nights by Jovarius A. Burton
  • The Bomb by Marie Matheny
  • Christmas Miracles To Believe by Marcia A. Newton
  • I Know I Saw Him by Regina M. Elliott
  • Saying Goodbye To My Brother by Karmalyw
  • 9/11Attacks by Janelle Barker
  • THE FIRST BORN by Raelene J. Elliss
  • Let Loose Limits On Life by Vaneka J. Johnson
  • Thorns by Michelle Meece

The poems below have been selected as semi-finalists for the December 2023 Poetry Contest.

Our Editors determine the winning poem based on content, but you can let us know your top poems by rating, sharing, adding to your favorites and commenting on your favorite poems.

View our Previous Poetry Contest Winners

December 2023 Poetry Contest Semi-finalists

  1. Seasons Of Grief

    • By Belinda Stotler
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2012 with permission of the Author.

    My sister, Brenda, was my best friend and I loved her with my whole heart. She died suddenly at age 50 from a blood clot caused by emergency surgery that she should have never had to undergo. She died 3 days after my birthday on 11/09/2007 and I found her when I went to change her bandages. The shock and grief was unbearable at times, and I cried everyday the first year afterwards. I miss her and think of her every day. Poetry helped me and I hope my poem helps others.

    in Grief Poems

    Shall I wither and fall like an autumn leaf,
    From this deep sorrow - from this painful grief?
    How can I go on or find a way to be strong?
    Will I ever again enjoy life's sweet song?


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    We, (humanity,) are facing an epidemic of loneliness. It is why there are so many heartbreaking stories of children, being lost to drugs and/or gang violence. When we see someone that we try...

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  2. Mysterious Pain

    • By Peggy Stewart
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2011 with permission of the Author.

    I have struggled with anxiety for many years. It is such an awful thing, and for people who don't have any idea what it is like, it is hard for them to understand. They think that you can just pull yourself out of it. One day I was so anxious and overwhelmed by these feelings, and I started to write. This is what came to me. For any of you who struggle with this, you are not alone. I hope that you will somehow learn to overcome it. Unfortunately, I have not, but I will never give up hope.

    in Mental Illness Poems

    With her head hung low
    and nowhere to go,

    she can't explain


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    No one understands what I am suffering from. My new doctor has decided I am taking a far too dangerous drug, so he is weaning me off. I must suffer again for the length of this weaning...

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  4. Is Perception Reality?

    • By Robert C. Saunders
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

    After losing my marriage, my business, and my finances during Covid I grew to despise who I was. Through lots of writing I came to realize that my story wasn't coming to an end, merely just starting a new chapter. This chapter of my life will be my redemption story!

    in Change Poems

    There's an old man I pass
    Almost every single day
    We don't share many words cause
    We really don't have anything nice to say


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  5. Stay On Your Road, Please

    • By Mia A. Lambert
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 15, 2023 with permission of the Author.

    I have a close family member who has a mental illness and tried taking her life several times. This poem is dedicated to her and all those who may be considering suicide to stop their pain. It is a reminder that there are better days ahead if they can just hang on for a while longer.

    in STOP Suicide Poems

    When your friends unliked you on Facebook, and they all stopped taking your calls.
    Strangers give you a nasty look, and your life's full of failures and falls.
    When you'd rather just stay in your bed, go to sleep and never wake up.
    And you'd rather be anyone else instead of this loser you've finally become.


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  7. Grandpa

    • By Lisa D. Jessie
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2018 with permission of the Author.

    We lost our grandson after birth in January 2018. He had a disease, and we knew we'd lose him. It affected his organs and took one of his legs. My husband has been struggling with this. In efforts to comfort him in any way I could, I wrote this poem for him. My husband's grandpa passed away many years ago, and he always says that he just wishes he had one more day with him. I know my husband knows that his grandfather is with his grandson in heaven, but he still struggles with this loss every single day.

    in Baby Death Poems

    Dear Grandpa,

    I don't want you to worry about me.
    This was the plan from the very first day.


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    This poem is sad. It’s very sad to lose someone, especially a child or grandchild, and things like that happen all the time. What makes it even sadder is being a mom, dad, grandpa, or...

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  8. A Path To Somewhere

    A Path to Somewhere is a poem about gratefulness. This rhyming story is heartwarming, thought-provoking and timeless. Its concept is rooted in my childhood. Growing up in Newfoundland, Canada, blueberry picking was an annual Labour Day weekend excursion. At some point in our lives, we may lose our way. A Path to Somewhere reminds us that the core of our happiness is appreciating every experience that brings us joy.

    in Inspirational Poems

    Along a path, there was a bush,
    That grew in marshy ground.
    Its branches thick and laden down,
    With berries big and round.


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  9. Lost In Emotion

    This is about a period in my life when I felt discouraged and frustrated. I was complaining and feeling ungrateful. But after much prayer and being honest with God, these poetic words took form in my heart, and I believe they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. I was comforted and my strength was renewed. Praise God. He is Awesome!

    in Faith Poems

    Sometimes I feel lost in a maze of emotions,
    where every direction feels like a dead-end street.
    I feel so alone in my search for an answer
    that I start to blame God for not meeting my needs.


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    This poem is the same as my feelings. Almost every day I ask myself why I must face all these trials. I have been tired of life, but I realize God has a plan for me and for everybody. I have...

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  10. Don't Dance On The Cereal

    • By Janet Eggen
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

    I wrote this poem when in response to my daughter, I heard myself saying, "Don't Dance on the Cereal!" I laughed thinking it was such a strange thing to say to someone. Regretfully, I lost her to an accident when she was 23 years old and the memory of that day and this poem always brings a smile and warms my heart as I recall a happier time.

    in Funny Family Poems

    She takes the breakfast cereal, and throws it on the floor
    And does a little soft shoe, while Raggedy yells, "Encore!"
    Teddy Bear gets a bath each day inside the toilet bowl.
    Destroying me and half the house must surely be her goal!


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  11. Concrete Angel

    • By Jack Elliott Jr.
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

    As a young sailor I met this young woman in New York city. Many years have passed and yet I still can still hear her sighs and taste her lips. Always I will ponder her fate.

    in Long Distance Poems

    There on the streets of Manhattan
    Beneath the cold neon light
    You were the soul of my affections
    And all with the world seemed right


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    Pat, I was absolutely thrilled to read your comment. Such a compliment from a poet with your talent is far more than I could have ever hoped for. It is so very good to know that you are...

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  12. For My Dad

    • By Helen K. Grandison-Whyte
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

    My Father has been sick for a few years now. We are the point where all we can do is wait and love him. So I wrote my feelings down. My Father has always been my whole world. Life without him is unimaginable, but life is often doing the unimaginable.

    in Father Poems

    I sit here and wait. I wait for your chest to rise; I wait for you to open your eyes. I lay in bed and wait to hear... to hear that door open and Mum calmly come out, because that means you didn't bow out. I watch you smile, to hell with the pain, your spirit lifts when you see us all together again.

    I know you're in pain, it's a struggle every day, I know the goodbye that hangs in the air, but my heart isn't ready for the break that's waiting there. I try not to get stuck on what's to come, I don't want to grieve early, let's just have some rum. Let's laugh at the past, and live in the now, create new memories while time allows.


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    This poem really touched me, and I am a twelve-year old girl! I don't know what's going on now, if he's still fighting or not, but I just want to tell you that you can always pray and God...

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  13. The Invitation

    • By Doug W Benson
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 15, 2023 with permission of the Author.

    I hope this poem resonates with you as it has me. I feel nature is constantly inviting me and everyone to "Come, Come..." and connect through each of our senses.

    in Beauty of Nature Poems

    Come, Come and feel crisp air anew
    As respirations burn
    Discover bark, tall grass and dew
    That only touch can learn


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    A lovely feeling of freshness and the healing senses of nature. Best wishes, Ann

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  14. Take Back Your Life

    • By Tonya R. Zuber
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

    I use rhythm & rhyme to encourage people to break from their addictions. I wrote this poem for my brothers, both of whom battled substance abuse. Tragically, they lost those fights.
    I know it's not easy. I understand the battle and while words aren't enough, I want you to know you're not alone. You are worthy. You are strong. You can do it. I wish you the courage to fight your battles.
    Share this poem with anyone you believe needs it.

    in Addiction Poems

    Do you know those drugs
    Will never outlast
    The tug of war you play
    With the pain from your past


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  15. Thorns

    • By Michelle Meece
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 1, 2023 with permission of the Author.

    This poem was about realizing the pattern of my own weakness and allowing myself to be manipulated over and over again, investing my worth in someone who didn't value my love.

    in Betrayal Poems

    My body melts like sugar when
    I'm wrapped up in your arms
    I flow just like the river
    after a raging summer storm.


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  16. It's All In The Eyes

    • By Katy A. Brown
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

    Someone's eyes hold their entire past. Even when you have let go of your past, your eyes will always hold the truth.

    in Life Lesson Poems

    A picture says a thousand words; a smile can too.
    A laugh can tell you a lot, as well...
    but to hide behind those things is quite easy to do.


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  17. No Refuge

    The worst time of my life. Poetry was my only outlet, the only thing that kept me alive.

    in Wife Death Poems

    As the shower tried to wash away
    the dust and grime of the day
    my grief ran down my face as well
    my cries were muted as the tears fell


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  18. That's Just What Families Do

    • By Don W Hamaliuk
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

    I have 5 siblings who have strong opinions on almost everything and when we get together it gets loud and respectfully humorous. Most of the humor I keep replaying in my head because I want to, but the criticisms tend to come along with it sometimes. I really don't mind it all and this is what the poem is trying to communicate to the reader.

    in Loving Poems about Family

    My whole family will keep talking deep inside my head
    It's hard to pay attention to everything that's said
    They're yelling out their criticism and it's not one by one
    Or their grumbling disapproval for something I have done


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  19. It's Hard, Sometimes

    • By Sierra S. Emrick
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

    Struggling with burnout, I find life can become monotonous and difficult, everyday feeling the same as I dread it. Though I try to remind myself that it's okay, things do get better on this rollercoaster of life.

    in Poems about Life Struggles

    Getting up in mornings for my usual day,
    Though I really I just sit and think and lay,
    It's hard, sometimes.


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  20. Glimpses

    • By Keith Lewthwaite
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

    After being diagnosed with a disease that has no cure, I wrote this poem during a period of reflection. Everything seemed to be old and aged. But when I used my mind's eye, I could catch glimpses of the girl I first fell in love with. They were only glimpses but they brought back precious memories of fifty years past.

    in Wife Poems

    Early morning sun
    Dull light through the window
    A shadow crosses her face
    I catch a glimpse


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    Having lost my husband almost exactly a year ago, I was incredibly touched by this poem. Especially as we too were married for well over 50 years. I look at photos on my photo frame all the...

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  21. Hello, I Love You, Goodbye

    • By Taylor Jones
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

    I have always struggled with mental illness. Pretty much everyone struggles with something. I think that everyone has missing pieces and gaps that need to be filled. My mental illness affects my daily life and religious beliefs. If your focus isn't on the person and their well-being, then what are you trying to fix? Everyone has worth because they are a person, not because of anything they say or do, especially not something out of their control that they are born with or into.

    in Mental Illness Poems

    hello, I love you, goodbye.
    Sometimes I wonder why I try.

    most days seem the same;


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  22. Your Love, Soul Love

    • By Charliee Diaz
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2022 with permission of the Author.

    in True Love Poems

    You don't compare to others from before.
    I've always wanted someone to just love me more.

    No one has ever loved me like you have before.


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