True Love Poem

Poem About Finding Your Soulmate

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Your Love, Soul Love

Charliee Diaz ©

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2022 with permission of the Author.

You don't compare to others from before.
I've always wanted someone to just love me more.

No one has ever loved me like you have before.
They usually just don't want to deal with me anymore.

And as I sit here comparing you to the people in my past,
I realize your love is not something I can contrast.

Because your love is something that should never be tainted.
Your love is a masterpiece that deserves to be painted,

Painted on canvases in museums galore,
Cherished and loved for everyone to adore.

Because while your love can't be compared to another,
It should actually be held to that of wonder.

The love of a friend and especially a soulmate
Is something that is much more than great.

It bypasses all the others,
Puts them to shame and leaves them in the gutters.

Because love of a soulmate is such a beautiful gift,
And it comes on so suddenly; it comes on so swift.

It's beautiful and uplifting and something to cherish,
Something that you should truly relish.

I know it sounds like I'm describing a lover,
But if you look deeper, there's something more you'll discover.

While a lover is there and satisfies your needs,
A soulmate knows your soul and how it bleeds.

So, of course, you won't compare to others from before,
You are someone who's worth much more.

No one has ever loved me like you have before.
Your soul and my soul recognize each other and so much more.


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