His Name Was Valentine
Your image faded through the years
I trace each line and furrow
Among your family there you stand
Unaware of tomorrow, tomorrow.
Your image faded through the years
I trace each line and furrow
Among your family there you stand
Unaware of tomorrow, tomorrow.
in Ocean Poems
With gentle winds aloft preceding summer storm
Through open window dusk a woman sits forlorn
Amidst the earthy briny air a gentle breeze persists
Thank you for your comment on my poem. I am so glad that you liked it and I really appreciate your review. I have read your poems and I really enjoyed them. Once again, thank you so much. Susan.
I see you standing there.
I feel your eyes on me.
I resume my tasks, but there you are.
in Humorous Poems
Riding down Interstate 80
In the fall of 1971
Headed for a new life
Our marriage just begun.
in Aging Poems
He moved with deliberate motion
Each step a painful chore
His body bent and crippled
To the depths of his human core.
Hello Ann,
Thank you again for your kind and encouraging words. I dedicated this poem to my dearest father who passed away at the age of 98. You are NOT elderly! Best wishes from across...
In the year of 2020
When life was full and plenty,
A terrible plague besieged the world
Chaos and sorrow worldwide unfurled.
in Ocean Poems
Across the vastness of open sea
Traveling onward incessantly
Beginning with a breath of air
From skies above with clouds or bare;
in Animal Poems
Under a dock over the sea
Nestled between a lake of debris,
The young swallow spreads out its coat
In desperation to stay afloat.
Thank you again for reading my poems and commenting. I love the poems you have written.
We seem to have a mutual poetic connection even though we are an ocean apart. Thank you so much. ...
What will you remember
of the days we could not play?
When things were very different
from just the other day.
Another lovely poem by you. Keep writing - I am very much enjoying your work.
Best wishes, Ann.
in Humorous Poems
With dimming light and hours passed
They are awakened and quickly amassed
From within deep corners and underground
In multitudes of numbers they are found.