Humorous Poem

Humorous Poem About Cockroaches

Here is a silly poem about cockroaches. It is based on a true experience. They are everywhere as there are over 4,000 species. Many years ago, we lived in Iowa and this is my first encounter with an Iowa cockroach.
I had seen Florida cockroaches in the past, but the Iowa species made a real impression. Things grow big in Iowa. I hope you find the humor in this silly poem. Please read to the end. Thank you

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The Victorious Cockroaches

Susan Vidd © more by Susan Vidd

Published by Family Friend Poems September 4, 2024 with permission of the Author.

With dimming light and hours passed
They are awakened and quickly amassed
From within deep corners and underground
In multitudes of numbers they are found.

Moving stealthily with grace and speed
A Major General in the lead,
Headed for nutrients hidden away
Leftovers from meals enjoyed that day.

Running in shadows up and down
Gaining in numbers from 'round the town,
I lay in my bed awakened from sleep
Their army of movement with steps that run deep.

One flip of the light and a moment of scurry
So fast they move to safety they hurry
With disbelief at their size and number
So large they wake me from deep in slumber.

My eyes grow wide even though blurry
But seeing me now THEY no longer worry.
I have encountered roaches that live in Florida
But this lively group was quite different, sorta;

For the Iowa roaches so huge in the dark
Footprints were left as they made their mark.
I swear they had teeth that were wide and white
Seen from afar they required no light.

So different were they from the Florida bug
Who wore bikinis, smiled and welcomed a hug.
They were spared the reference of roach
But rather a Palmetto with a lovely falsetto.

This is the story of our first night rental
In an old Iowa house which would drive me mental
For the lady who owned the house had smoked so much
The giant roaches were yellow and such.

To say the least we left shortly after
As we closed the door the roaches would gather
On the floor on walls and even the rafter
From behind that door, I swear we heard laughter!



First and foremost, Susan has no degree in writing. You might have noticed her poems are rather simple and silly or not written in the correct format. She just enjoys writing. Susan is a retired female firefighter and paramedic. Her most important job is revealed at the end of her poem "My ordinary Life." She has created 150...

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