The Victorious Cockroaches
in Humorous Poems
With dimming light and hours passed
They are awakened and quickly amassed
From within deep corners and underground
In multitudes of numbers they are found.
in Humorous Poems
With dimming light and hours passed
They are awakened and quickly amassed
From within deep corners and underground
In multitudes of numbers they are found.
Your image faded through the years
I trace each line and furrow
Among your family there you stand
Unaware of tomorrow, tomorrow.
in Ocean Poems
With gentle winds aloft preceding summer storm
Through open window dusk a woman sits forlorn
Amidst the earthy briny air a gentle breeze persists
Thank you for your comment on my poem. I am so glad that you liked it and I really appreciate your review. I have read your poems and I really enjoyed them. Once again, thank you so much. Susan.