Susan Christensen


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    Poems by Susan Christensen

  • I Cry

    • Published: March 2008

    in I Miss You Poems

    I'm sitting on the porch,
    Wind blowing through my hair.
    The ducks are frolicking in the pond,
    But I just can't seem to care.


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    Wow, this poem is how I end almost every letter to my husband. They took him the beginning of summer also. Our daughter was 6 months old, and today she turned 1 year, and he missed it. I cry...

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  • The Game

    • Published: June 2008

    in I Miss You Poems

    Let me tell you about a game I play
    Where I close my eyes and fade away

    I float away to a special place


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    I wanted to cry when I read this. I didn't realize how often I do this, even throughout the day. This one touched my heart. My husband has been in jail for 3 years. He got 7 years and there...

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  • For Love's Sake

    • Published: October 2007

    in I Miss You Poems

    I'm so tired of this empty feeling.
    I'm so tired of being alone.
    I lay here staring at the ceiling,
    Waiting by the phone.


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    I recall feeling almost obsessed over my young life boyfriends. Looking back, I am glad I let the bad company go and went on with my life as had I not let bad ones go, my life would have...

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  • Susan Christensen
  • 7 years ago

Hi Rebecca - this is my poem. I wasn't 15 when I wrote it - not sure where that came from. I was actually in my 30's. I wanted to answer your questions - yes, he did get out & has not been in a single bit of trouble since. We are still together - we have been married 9 years this past August - the storybook is still being written - but we are very happy. I'm not sure how things would have turned out if he would have continued down the road he was on - but his last stint obviously did the trick and because of that - the wait was well worth it.

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  • Susan Christensen
  • 10 years ago

WOW - I love checking in on this poem from time to time to see the comments - I wrote it so long ago but the feelings stay fresh so we never forget the feeling of missing each other. We have been married 6 years this past August - he has not been in a single bit of trouble since he was released - life is good - we have our ups & downs - but I love him more today than I did the day I wrote this poem - I hope you all have happy endings and your men/women appreciate you for loving and waiting :-)

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  • Susan Christensen
  • 13 years ago

Wow - I wrote this poem almost 4 years ago and cannot believe the response it is still receiving! I have now been married to the inspiration of this poem for over 3 years - and I know every circumstance is different and being with someone in jail doesn't always turn out to be "worth it" - but I do believe those of you going through this know in your hearts if the pain and waiting will be worth it. I am so grateful to have my man home and I will never forget that time apart and what it felt like - I also know because of that test of our love - I can say with confidence that I would have waited for him no matter how long it took. Remember - your visits, the phone calls, the letters, the cards, the poems - anything you can do means 1000 times more to him/her while they are in there - so if you truly feel they are worth it - keep it going & never let them doubt your love.

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  • Susan Christensen
  • 14 years ago

Hi everyone - I am so glad everyone enjoyed my poem, I posted it for the exact reason you enjoyed it-I knew there were so many other people out there going through the same thing. I searched for a poem to send my boyfriend and never quite found the right one- so I wrote one, even though I never knew I could. Stand by your man/woman - be loyal and loving- he or she needs you now more than ever. I wrote this poem in 2008, well - my man is home now and we got married and I can tell you - for me - the time he was away brought us so close. My devotion to him sealed our love and we are very happy together. Good luck to all of you!

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