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in Breaking Up Poems
I could ask you to stay,
But there's really nothing left to say.
This breakup has been emotional and long,
I could ask you to stay,
But there's really nothing left to say.
This breakup has been emotional and long,
But I know I'm strong.
I guess we naturally grew apart,
But it still hurts in my heart.
We went days without speaking or sending a text,
And I could only wonder what was next.
There were times we couldn't look each other in the eye.
How did we get this far, and why did something so special have to die?
As I write this, memories flood me.
They remind of all we used to be.
Even when things were bad, I never thought this relationship would end.
Our broken hearts I thought we could mend.
Now you've left without a goodbye.
I've got no energy to even cry.
I knew it was over when we started doing things on our own.
You got so distant and I was alone.
I tried getting you to notice that I was still there,
But you made up your mind and didn't care.
There are many nights when you're all that's on my mind.
I hope happiness is what you find.
There are days when I just can't get out of bed.
But "try" is what you always said.
So every day I try to put on a smile.
Even if it's not a real one for a while.
We were together for so many years, so do you ever shed tears?
I know I've got to let you go,
And someday I will,
But mixed emotions are what I feel.
We both made our fair share of mistakes.
It feels like I'm drowning in sadness, anger, and resentment, all in different lakes.
I honestly wish you nothing but the best
As my strength and endurance is put to the test.
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