Natasha Jordan


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    Poems by Natasha Jordan

  • Please Don't Hurt Me

    • Published: February 2009

    in Abuse Poems

    Scared and alone a sad little girl cries herself to sleep,
    No hand to hold, no one to tell, so alone at night she'd weep.

    Tears falling down her nine year old face,


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    Thank you for sharing your story. I was sexually, physically, and emotionally abused by my step-father from the time I was 7 until I was 20. I know the pain you feel or the anger you might...

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  • The Broken Girl

    • Published: February 2009

    in Abuse Poems

    Welcome to my broken home,
    There's nobody here, I'm all alone.

    The walls they scream of things once said,


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    Can't seem to put into words how you blessed my mind with your poems. They have helped me come out of my shell. Thankful you are comfortable putting this out there for the world to see....

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  • Your Mother, Your Angel

    • Published: February 2009

    in Mother Death Poems

    You look back on memories you forgot you had,
    And at times you'll smile even though it hurts so bad.

    Your mother is a special woman, and no one can take her place.


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    My sister-in-law was suddenly snatched from us by the cruel hands of death leaving behind my brother and four young children. Her sudden death is a big blow for both families. I was extremely...

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  • Natasha Jordan
  • 16 years ago

This poem is so beautiful

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  • Natasha Jordan
  • 16 years ago

This is such a beautiful poem!

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  • Natasha Jordan
  • 16 years ago

I am in tears right now, that was so beautiful and so heartbreaking at the same time.
I could never say how sorry I am for your loss, I am a mother of two and I have no idea what I would ever do if something like that happened to me, I don't even want to imagine it or what you have been going through.
Please know your son is watching down on you and is so very thankful for all the love and care you gave to him, he will always be with you, and I am also sure he would love this poem with his whole heart!!! I know I do. Again my thoughts and prayers are with you as you have had to go through what no parent should ever have to!

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  • Natasha Jordan
  • 16 years ago

This is a great poem and it is very true. I am the daughter of an alcoholic. I know it is a sickness and I know no one would ever want to live like that. I have watched her drink since I can remember and it hurts. I hope you stayed on your road to recovery and if it became to hard then don't give up you'll make it. have faith in yourself, believing in you is the first step. and again this poem is beautiful!

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  • Natasha Jordan
  • 16 years ago

I had to watch my mother "self mutilate" herself since I was young. I knew it was not right I think the first time I saw her do it I was 8. last time I saw her do it I was around 16/17. I remember when she would get drunk I would find anything sharp I could find in the house and hide it all in my room because I didn't want her to hurt herself! I am now a 27 year old mother of two. I still to this day can not figure my mother out, but to my knowledge she has not done it in a long time. It is a hard thing to see especially as a young child because now we both have permanent scars. And in a way I guess it has made me the person I am today. I am very strong and I forgive and forget like it is second nature. Because as my mom was drunk and dealing with her pain and problems it created A LOT of issues for me to deal with myself. I am SO glad I found this web-site I have SO many poems I have wrote and I am glad I found a place to share them with other poetry lovers as well.

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