Joint Custody
in Divorce Poems
The torments of hell that I seem to face.
The days turned to weeks, all gone up in waste.
The hours so precious that equal the time
Of minutes and seconds that should be all mine.
in Divorce Poems
The torments of hell that I seem to face.
The days turned to weeks, all gone up in waste.
The hours so precious that equal the time
Of minutes and seconds that should be all mine.
in Sickness Poems
There are times when things seem normal again
We laugh and talk about trivial things
We enjoy each other's company
But we can't deny the thought in our minds
Thank you so much for both of your comments on two of my poems. I wrote both from my heart and experience as I do all my poems. It is rewarding to know that I was able to convey my feelings...
in Beach Poems
The sun and sand go hand in hand.
The sound of constant waves -
There's a smell of salt in the air.
The ocean is seen through a haze.
You've painted a picture that would make most who read it edger to find a beach somewhere and experience it for themselves. Your depiction is dead on.
in Sickness Poems
She lovingly handles
her mother with care
as she washes and curls
and fixes her hair.
I love it. It reminds me of my friend on his birthday. How he enjoyed it to the fullest. I still recall the day like it was yesterday.
Getting the grandkids
For the weekend
Starts out sweet and calm
Soon it turns to chaos
I remember it well! You've summed it all up beautifully. I must look up more of your poetry. Best wishes, Ann D Stevenson