Divorce Poem

Difficulty Of Sharing Your Child

I wrote this poem when my daughter was four years old. I agreed with my husband to share our child through joint custody because I felt that it was only fair to him and her, but it was a very hard thing to endure, and out of my anguish came this poem. My daughter is now thirty-five years old, but when I read this poem to this day, it brings back all the pain of missing half her childhood.

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Joint Custody

© more by Marie Matheny

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2017 with permission of the Author.

The torments of hell that I seem to face.
The days turned to weeks, all gone up in waste.
The hours so precious that equal the time
Of minutes and seconds that should be all mine.

I hurt and I ache and I cry in despair,
For I reach for my child and come back with thin air.
'Cause it is only a dream you see
That won't come true ‘til the end of the week.

It's then that I wish I could freeze time
And not give back what I wish was all mine.
But the end of the week draws near and so fast.
He comes, and as feared, he takes her right back.



I've been writing poems most of my life and usually I feel I write my favorite ones from sad times that I have suffered. It is then that I pour my heart and soul into it. I feel much better afterwards as if I've purged and whenever I go back later and reread my heartaches and heartbreaks I know I got it right if those old feelings come back....

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