Lisa K. Putnam

Lisa K. Putnam

About Lisa K. Putnam

I lost my daughter Julia at the age of twenty years old, also my grandson Josiah 35 months old in a tragic car accident on 4-16-2004. They both were my pride and joy, and I miss them each and every day. I know they are in the loving presence of our Lord, and one day we will all be reunited! Until than I will write my poems to share with other families whom have also lost a loved one! All my love To Julia and Josiah! Love Mom and Grandma Lisa
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    Poems by Lisa K. Putnam

  • You Fight

    • Published: September 2018

    in Courage Poems

    You fight your whole life
    to be seen,
    to be different,
    to be understood.


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    • Votes 25
    • Rating 4.08
  • Autumn

    • Published: September 2018

    in Fall Poems

    Misty mornings, frosted lawns
    The wind is blowing a winter's song.

    Changing colors of the leaves,


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    • Stories 2
    • Shares 556
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    • Votes 85
    • Rating 4.21
    Featured Shared Story

    Very good. It brings me back to my childhood days when I would know that Autumn was on the way. The colors, the harvest, the year-end holidays and the coolness of the nights and early...

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  • Lisa K. Putnam, Sandy, Oregon
  • 1 year ago

I love your poem about you missing your sister! It was very beautiful, a great tribute in her memory. I also lost a sister in 2014 to ovarian cancer. She loved the beach here in Oregon! We spent a lot of time walking the coastline, collecting sea shells and enjoying the beautiful sunsets! I was brought back to these days through your poem! I want to thank you for this poem because many heartfelt memories came back to me! Keep writing and touching others with this gift of yours!
Lisa in Memory of my older sister, Vicki.

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  • Lisa K. Putnam, Sandy, Oregon
  • 3 years ago

I thank you for enjoying my poem! Autumn is my favorite season of the year. I love everything about it!
Thanks again,
Lisa K. Putnam

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  • Lisa K. Putnam, Sandy, Oregon
  • 6 years ago

There is a very powerful message in this poem! Horses are a wonderful creature...very elegant, graceful, charming, and spirited! My family had three Appaloosas we use to board on Cooke's Ranch near Brightwood, Oregon. We got to experience the beauty of these creatures first hand! There was Cricket, Red Star, and Sparky! All three of them brought us much love and joy!

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  • Lisa K. Putnam, Sandy, Oregon
  • 7 years ago

I had to send this poem to my older brother, Mike, after I read it! The poet describes everything about his mother exactly as if we were talking to our own mom! She passed on in the spring of 2005, and we all miss her Christmas dinners she has held over the years! We always had a wonderful time together. She would cook the main dish, and the rest of the family members would bring all the side dishes. The men usually brought either smoked salmon or elk and venison to add! All the children were given gifts from Old Saint Nick! Also the dogs got a bone. We all miss our mother so much, especially around the Christmas holiday! We love you, Mom! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

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  • Lisa K. Putnam, Sandy, Oregon
  • 7 years ago

I just loved this poem for kids and adults! It reminded me of the Dr. Seuss books children would read in grade school! Very similar, and a fun read indeed!

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