God's Creation
in Spiritual Poems about Nature
I count God's blessings
One by one.
The moon, the stars,
The rising sun.
in Spiritual Poems about Nature
I count God's blessings
One by one.
The moon, the stars,
The rising sun.
So much truth in this poem. Liked the rhythm and rhyme. We have done so much harm to the environment because of our greed. Do not know what the future has in store for us.
in Grief Poems
I wonder, is there Valentine's Day in heaven?
For the one I love is there.
I would love to send her some flowers
To let her know how much I care.
Brother John,
That's so, so touching and beautiful.
I believe there's a Saint Valentine's Day in heaven and that flowers grow there.
Do not worry, do not despair for roses are abundant in...
in Home Poems
The old house stands alone and abandoned
Where life once used to thrive.
The old picket fence is broken.
The roof is opened up to the sky.
Brother John, though it must hurt so much that you and the love of your life had to part, keep this thought in your heart, the day will come when you and your wife will meet in heaven and...
in Meaningful Poems
I wonder,
Is there anything out there?
Something we don't know?
Our earth is just a grain of dust
Let me tell you, there is a God above. He did not abandon man. On the contrary, He so loved man that He came and died for us to save us. Your human life is not in vain but for a purpose. Gen...
Sunrise has lost its Magic
As it heralds a brand new Day.
Sunsets now only bid Goodbye
As dreams just melt Away.
The scores of years have passed by, I now think of you more often with days gone awry. Your strength of character you passed down to me. My thanks and love for what you've taught, to be as...
in Loss Poems
I miss our moments together,
I treasure each memory.
You left with the key to my heart;
Your life lives on through me.
Another year is almost over.
A new one's about to begin.
Say goodbye to all the negative stuff.
Move on with the positive things.
Brother John,
Never look back in regret of the year that's passed.
Remember the good times, hold on to them fast.
Look forward to the new year and all that's to be,
Making dreams come...
It's not all about presents
Laying under the tree.
Trinkets made of gold
Mean nothing to me.
I really loved this poem. What I love about this poem is its simplicity of what a true gift from the heart is all about. It’s just like Jesus was the gift of love to all the world from God,...
Still I hear those voices
From a time so long ago.
I see so many faces
But not the one I love and know.
A beautiful poem
I have just lost my Wife Teresa on Sep 5th after 56 years of marriage I feel empty and lost and hurting inside. I miss her so much she was the love of my life.