Love And Age
The things I love about you
Aren't going away with age.
You will still calm me down,
Perk me up, get me excited,
The things I love about you
Aren't going away with age.
You will still calm me down,
Perk me up, get me excited,
in Falling in Love Poems
Like a fire quickly burning
Once upon a time
In a faraway Land
A little King was born
In a place called Bethlehem
in Christmas Poems
C----Christ born upon this earth
H----Hallelujah, praise God for his birth
R----Rejoicing our Lord has come
I-----Immanuel, God's chosen one
in Aging Poems
Mama with her babies in her rocking chair, she sings
The soothing sound of lullabies,
Her voice so sweetly rings.
Singing in her rocking chair,
in God Poems
Who is the one who loves us all
And never denys us when to him we call
Who never fails us through right or wrong
And picks us up when we might fall
in Spiritual Poems about Death
My children, it's been a little while
And perhaps a lot more days,
So I'm sending you this message as
I have joyful things to say.
in Spiritual Poems about Death
God handpicked our singing angel
To sing in his heavenly home
She's singing with the angel choir
And around God's golden throne
in Mother Poems
Serving size- one Amazing Mom
1-Cup Empathy
2-Cups Patience
in Religious Poems
I believe In Jesus, the Bible
Stories that are told
How he lived and gave
His life for us, many years ago.