Aging Poem

Poem About A Mother's Voice And Memories

When my mother was young and had 5 children, she sang all of us lullabies. Then years later when she developed Alzheimer's, she sang to her dolly, and then eventually forgot the words and would sing La La La La La.

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I Still Hear My Mama Singing

Jac Judy A. Campbell © more by Jac Judy A. Campbell

Published by Family Friend Poems May 9, 2023 with permission of the Author.

Mama with her babies in her rocking chair, she sings
The soothing sound of lullabies,
Her voice so sweetly rings.
Singing in her rocking chair,
she holds her babies tight.
The soft voice of an angel
Keeps singing through the night.
As children crawl upon her lap
And play upon her knee,
She sings the silly, joyful tunes
They love so playfully.
Mama sang the hymns of blessings,
With love and grace so tenderly.
She sang "How Far is Heaven,"
And "Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me."
When young years turn to golden
And memories go back in time,
She clenches now her dolly
And sings rhythm with a rhyme.
When words of songs have been forgotten,
She hugs her dolly tight.
She tries so hard to sing the words
But just can't sing it right.
She now sings la la la la la la la,
As she holds her dolly tight,



Jac Judy A. Campbell is a poet by heart and a writer by nature, and she is thrilled to be able to share part of herself that others will enjoy. She reads a lot of good books and loves arts and crafts, sewing, crocheting, cooking, and growing a garden. She is happily married, takes care of her husband, and enjoys her children and...

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