Nought Points Seven Percent
in Short Poems
It's only nought point five percent of the GDP,
That's what the Government is telling me,
A drop in the ocean, not much at all,
But that all depends on what we can afford,
in Short Poems
It's only nought point five percent of the GDP,
That's what the Government is telling me,
A drop in the ocean, not much at all,
But that all depends on what we can afford,
In the crowded room she sits alone,
Lost inside her tangled thoughts,
Her eyes unfocused on the floor,
She doesn't know me any more.
I am sorry to hear that you no longer write Ann. You have a talent that it is a shame not to use as your poems show that you have a way of using words to inspire and comfort. I feel now that...
in Spring Poems
She lifts her head at dawns first sigh and shrugs aside the sun,
And thrusts her tangled locks on high to where the winds still run,
With towering black and roiling shapes to make her presence known,
Where mortals stare at fading light to watch her coming shown,
Brilliant! A rainstorm personified so skilfully and descriptively. Such a pleasure to read - loved this.
Now that you're gone and I'm alone
To face the future on my own,
I wonder how, as day by day,
I struggle hard to find a way,
I too have lost my husband of 58 years. I didn't really know what grief was until after his death. I also began writing late in life. I went to a writing for well-being course after my...
in Wife Poems
How would I live,
without you by my side,
What life would breath into my soul,
how would I survive,
Thank you Ann for your comment. It means more as it is coming from someone who has such empathy on the subject matter. Kind regards. Alan.
In quiet time, when day is done,
] rest my head for sleep to come,
As peace steals o'er my restless mind,
My memories your face will find,
A lovely poem - my husband was also a soldier, but I didn't receive any beautiful poems like that when he was away!
I've got my driving test today,
Am I worried? O sure, I would say,
And I know that I really look a fright,
I have not slept a wink all night,
I remember it well! You have captured it all beautifully. Very best wishes, Ann.
in Creative Poems
Dear reader, when you view a verse,
Just realise on how perverse,
The difference that is in the time,
It takes to pen this little rhyme,
in War Poems
My Father was born in the year 1916,
In the war to end all wars, or so they thought,
But not such a good year that it might seem,
He was just 23 when the next one was fought,
in Humorous Poems
Twas on a bright September morn, and without much fuss,
Our bowls club set off to Devon by bus,
The driver was amazed as could be,
Thinking, their average age must be 93,
Thank you Ann. A humorous take on a real event. Names and places changes of course. I volunteer at my companions care home every week reading poetry and playing music to the residents. I...