Amanda Gray


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    Poems by Amanda Gray

  • It's His Fault

    • Published: February 2009

    in Cheating Poems

    Why do you beat yourself up
    because you had the courage to love,
    gave all of yourself in hopes that he was the one?


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    • Rating 4.44
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    I was in a relationship and married for 30 years, and all of a sudden the man of my life decides one day he's gonna cheat or go find him another woman. Well, he did and brought her to our...

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  • Amanda Gray
  • 12 years ago

Thank you to everyone for the nice comments! Although this was not a personal poem, I still wrote it with experience. I have been hurt many times in past relationships and only now can say that I have found true love. Five years of marriage and three kids later I am still head over heals. There is hope out there for all of you that have been hurt. What I can say that was different in this relationship was that I could be myself, 100% me. Not having to mold into what they want but just being excepted for who I am, good and bad.

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