She's Our Hero
in Mother Poems
She does her battles quietly,
For her kids, on her knees.
Spending many sleepless nights,
So our lives can be with ease.
in Mother Poems
She does her battles quietly,
For her kids, on her knees.
Spending many sleepless nights,
So our lives can be with ease.
Abimbola T. Alabi, you are a wonderful poet. I have read your poetry, love the "work" poem, as well. I can tell you write from the heart and through experiences, which makes for the best...
in Prayer Poems
Hold my hand, dear Lord,
As I daily follow you.
This journey before me,
You alone can see me through.
in Work Poems
There are times to hurry.
Some things in life call for speed.
But more than ever, I'm learning
That pace is really what I need.
in Spiritual Poems about Nature
The sky speaks without words,
Messages that warm my heart.
It never ceases to amaze me,
Like a timeless work of art.
We never know if we're right
If we're not willing to be wrong.
We never know how far we'd go
If we never fight hard and long.
A wonderful poem and so true...
If we live in wait and hesitate, who knows what a future we would make. Life can change in an instant. Nothing is for sure. We should if we could take any...
in Life Lesson Poems
It's sometimes hard to see
How close a virtue and vice can be,
Yet the borderline of the two
Should we respect in all we do.
Where my heart truly lies
Is in the beauty of a simple life,
In a little peace and quiet,
Slower pace and lesser strife.
in Prayer Poems
Each morning of this month
When you rise upon your bed,
May it be with renewed grace
To face the day ahead.
in Work Poems
Strive at work while you can.
God knows it's why you are a man,
But don't wait till the funds abound
Before you get to slow it down.
There's a still small voice,
Always there to aid my choice.
Wisdom's whispers soft but strong,
Teaching me right from wrong...