Religious Poem

Blessings In The Word Of God

The Scripture is inspired by God. And God's Word is perfect, timeless, and essential for daily living. In His precepts and promises, I continually find sustaining grace.

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Thy Living Word

© more by Abimbola T. Alabi

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2020 with permission of the Author.

There's a still small voice,
Always there to aid my choice.
Wisdom's whispers soft but strong,
Teaching me right from wrong...
'Tis the Living Word.

There is a sweet treat,
Honey from the comb so free to eat.
The pure and pristine whole,
That daily delights my soul...
'Tis the Living Word.

There is a guiding light,
A shining lamp on dreary nights.
The path is clear in its glow,
When I'm not sure which way to go...
'Tis the Living Word.

There is a flaming sword
Keeping my mortal mind secured.
My stand to fight and take apart,
Evil wiles against my heart...
'Tis the Living Word.

There is an oasis,
Wellspring of hope and peace.
A fountain that never runs dry,
Healing and lifting my spirit high...
'Tis the Living Word.

Helpless in so many ways,
In Thee I find sufficient grace;
So help me live, dear Lord, I pray,
In thoughts and deeds and all I say...
Thy Living Word.


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