Thank You Friend Poem

Thank You Note To A Friend

Saying "thank you" is never a trite thing to do, no matter how close we are to a friend. Sending a little note once in a while might even be better. What matters is that they know we appreciate them. I penned this for my friend.

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I'll just like to add that I wasn't so sure about sharing this with the person who was its main inspiration - a colleague at work; wondering if he'd find it corny. But considering how well he...

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A Big Deal

© more by Abimbola T. Alabi

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2020 with permission of the Author.

You pass off as no big deal
Lots of splendid, gracious acts.
Friends like you are rare indeed;
That is just a simple fact.

You've done it once again,
Put a sparkly glow in my day.
Your kindness meant more to me
Than these words can convey.

A trusty, kindly soul
You've always been from the start.
Helping out behind the scene,
That is what sets you apart.

I really appreciate what you did;
I know you didn't have to.
Though you made no big deal of it,
I'd like to say a big thank you.


more by Abimbola T. Alabi

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I'll just like to add that I wasn't so sure about sharing this with the person who was its main inspiration - a colleague at work; wondering if he'd find it corny. But considering how well he received it, I'm glad I did.

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