Religious Poem

Poem About God Being Our Strength

All I can say is that God is good and only he can help us in our times of need. He can lift a broken spirit and bring joy into our lives, the kind the world cannot give nor take away..

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I was lost, it felt scary. I couldn't see where I was going. Blinded by thoughts, that weren't true. I was diagnosed with a lot of things. Sometimes I would try to die. Not even care about...

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When You Have God, You Have Everything


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2011 with permission of the Author.

Today I'm counting on a new beginning 
with a reason for living with a deeper meaning
because God has blessed me with many good things.
I have been through a lot,
but with God's help, I have been able to overcome my adversities.
God is and always will be my everything.
He has been my light in my darkest hours.
He has pulled me from the fire more times than I can count.
Now I'm surrounded by the comfort and protection of the highest power.
I love you and praise you, Lord Almighty.
You are my strength and my song.
You walk with me in this journey that seems so long,
but with you by my side, surely everything will be all right.
For I know goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life
I thank you and I love you forever more.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Maria Moreno by Maria Moreno, Colorado
  • 10 years ago

I was lost, it felt scary. I couldn't see where I was going. Blinded by thoughts, that weren't true. I was diagnosed with a lot of things. Sometimes I would try to die. Not even care about those around me. When I got to 9th grade, I grabbed a bible, and read. Anywhere, and all the time. I met a great friend, Pastor Jim. He attracted me, when I saw his bible. Ever since we talked. It was not too long later, I got raped. I gave up all faith. I gave up on the inside, I hurt so much. Then, I took Jesus as my savior. Continued my journey. Yes I meant what I said, I needed help. Before I knew it yet again I kept falling. Pastor Jim, would help me find my way back. Many times. I'm going to admit I still need help. Because we all get lost. Scared by the thoughts we never had before. But there is hope in the Son. May joy, and peace be put on those who read this. And those who don't. Believe!

  • Diane B Booker by Diane B Booker
  • 12 years ago

I like this poem because God has shown up so many times in my life when I was at my lowest. He said he would never leave me or forsake me & I found it to be true see we leave God as he patiently waits for our return to him the enemy becomes angry & set out to strike any way he can. I deeply depend on God as he is molding me shaping me & doing his thing in me all will be well. God truly pulled me out of the lowest darkest time of my life a life of using & abusing drugs for many years. But to God be the Glory I'm free of that life & strive daily faithfully to live for him to please him & no longer myself. Awesome poem

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