21. Beauty
Dry those tears, baby girl
Stop making scars on your wrist
It does not help to starve yourself
You don't change by caking your face
Dry those tears, baby girl
Stop making scars on your wrist
It does not help to starve yourself
You don't change by caking your face
Who is that man?
Staring back at me
Is he a part of my past?
Or who I am destined to be?
Dude, I understand completely. Sometimes I don't know who I am or who I'm supposed to be.
Just because you don't like what I am,
Just because you don't like what I've become,
Just because you don't like me,
I'm 13 years old and I'm bisexual. My family is Christian and nobody knows but my sister. She's bi also. I wanna tell them, but I don't know how they'll react.
Amongst the midnight sky,
I stare at a rose as it dies.
Its pedals are torn and bruised,
I don't know why
why this world's so cruel
it's so abusing
We all have seen Earth's glorious mysteries
Along this huge labyrinth
That we call life,
You will face great trials,
Adversity, and strife.
From the very first moment I saw them all,
I knew that this was who I wanted to be.
With my eyes wide open, looking around,
"Does everyone else see what I see?"
In the night they come and go
Making fun of all I know
Twisting time and thoughts and matter
And tell me I'm the Maddest Hatter