Poem about Teen Life

Sports Fan's Love Of The Game

I am a teenager who has been secretly writing poetry since I was in fourth grade. I never told anyone about my poetry because most of the things I wrote about were very private. This is the first poem I have ever shown anyone. I am new at being a teenager, and I am on the journey to discovering myself. My dad took me to one NHL game, and from the moment it started I knew this is what I was born to do, so I wrote this poem to express that emotion. I love hockey, and I hope you love my poem.

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© more by Erica

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2017 with permission of the Author.

From the very first moment I saw them all,
I knew that this was who I wanted to be.
With my eyes wide open, looking around,
"Does everyone else see what I see?"

This is my life. It means the world to me.
This is my love, who I'm meant to be.
This is the calling of my destiny
This is me.

I sit on the porch and think of that night.
I was standing so close to fame.
He looked at me. I swear he glanced.

This is so much more than a game.

With a spray of snow and a spit on the ice,
He took the faceoff with pride.
He didn't even look back twice
As he flew to the offending side.

He passed it to Skinner who handled the puck
And carried it up the seam.
I pressed my eyes shut, just hoping for luck
And then I heard the crowd scream.

I jumped in unison with the crowd.
Sirens blasting the stadium dome.
I'd never heard anything quite so loud.

I knew I was finally home.

Hockey has been in me all along.
I just needed to know my own name,
To be able to see it was calling ME,

To see this is more than a game.

So I've said it before, and I'll say it again.
I'd tell the whole world without shame
This is the calling that comes from my heart.

This will always be more than a game.



Hello everyone! My name is Erica, I’m a young teen who loves poetry with all her heart. I’m thrilled to share my poems with you, and I hope they are a place of sanctuary for you like they are for me. Life is a crazy thing, and it has thrown more at me than you may think. But in the end, we’re all just people, we’re all...

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