Bullying Poem

A Poetic Reflection On True Beauty And Self-Worth

I wrote this poem thinking about how girls always have a hard time accepting themselves and feeling great in their bodies because of all those images from social media. We always look for ways to make ourselves look better or meet a certain beauty standard. Sometimes it's the way we cope with the pain and all. I just wanted to say that we should all believe in ourselves because we are all beautiful and capable; there's no need to uphold someone else's standard.

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Published by Family Friend Poems October 2015 with permission of the Author.

Dry those tears, baby girl
Stop making scars on your wrist
It does not help to starve yourself
You don't change by caking your face

They see what they want
But I see who you are
The grace in your strength
Beauty in your perseverance

I know you heard those words before
And you tell yourself you're used to it
But every time they pierce like a knife
Twisting deeper into the wounds of your heart

I miss that laugh of yours
That sounds like chiming bells
You're not just your looks, you know
You're so much more than they let you hear

So every night you lay down
Replaying every moment, every second
Thinking of how it could have gone better
Crying your heart out, beating yourself up

Don't let the insecurities
That piled up for so long
Take away your freedom
You can be who you want, baby girl

Guess what, baby girl, you're beautiful
And I don't say that just 'cause
You don't need to be like anybody
Because you're not just anybody

I think the reason you're still here
Is because you know those are just lies
Don't let them constrain you
Nobody owns you, baby girl

Don't let them get to your head
And kill your beating heart
Leaving you an empty shell
Of a girl you used to be

Next time you look in the mirror
Don't just skim on the surface
I want you to SEE
And believe in yourself


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