21. Beauty
Dry those tears, baby girl
Stop making scars on your wrist
It does not help to starve yourself
You don't change by caking your face
Dry those tears, baby girl
Stop making scars on your wrist
It does not help to starve yourself
You don't change by caking your face
A letter to that girl
That girl who sat by herself
That girl who doubted herself
That girl who was bullied
This hit home to the T. I couldn't have said it better if I wrote it myself. To whoever wrote this, I feel for what you feel, and it gives me courage to go on. Thank you for sharing it to us...
Stab me in the back,
kick me to the ground,
no one even cares,
when you're already down.
I have been bullied to the point where I have asked myself why I was even born. It is so sad knowing so many people get bullied every day. I am sick and tired of this bullying crap and I...
I wake up every morning
Feeling such a wreck
A rope that's slowly tightening
Wound around my neck.
They pick on you
Play tricks on you
They talk behind your back
A hundred whispers to your one