1. A Woman For All Times
A woman of noble character, who can find?
She is more precious than rubies of any kind.
Her husband esteems her with love and respect.
She manages her household without neglect.
Religion is the act of attempting to map out a path to achieving consistent spiritual goals. Unfortunately, religion has sometimes fall into the hands of some wacky people. If someone comes to you and professes to be able to solve your problems by some religious or spiritual path, beware! Life will always be difficult. There is no one that can wrap you in cocoon of religion and save you from all negativity. Religion has been used for good and evil throughout history. Make sure you're on the right side.
A woman of noble character, who can find?
She is more precious than rubies of any kind.
Her husband esteems her with love and respect.
She manages her household without neglect.
I'm frightened by the enormity of the mountains that surround me,
Blinded by the darkness of troubles of which the end I cannot see.
I'm drowning in worry and my soul is weary,
In the midnight times of my life
When everything seems so wrong
Just help me to remember
That Your name will bring a song.
This is a beautiful simple verse and is so touching and endearing to our blessed Saviour, and so full of hope and warmth - thank you!
To Him be the glory
To the alter, His call
His arms are open wide
It's open to all
The good deeds that I do
Are not what can save my soul.
That's not why I do them,
It should never be the goal.
Looking around and longing for love,
The love that I want is from the Lord up above.
He is my strength and all that I need,
The love of a lifetime, we will all surely agree.
I liked it except for the part where he says "our just reward".
Humans don't deserve anything. We don't even deserve to be alive!
I watch the sun rise in the sky
I ask God the question, why?
Why is there hatred in the world?
Why are there starving boys and girls?
Being a religious Jew, I truly felt touched by this. Sometimes I try to make sense of all the bad things that happen, so this poem made me realize that everything happens for a reason, and I...
There's a still small voice,
Always there to aid my choice.
Wisdom's whispers soft but strong,
Teaching me right from wrong...
We are the hands of Christ, embracing the ones in need.
We are the hands of Christ, caring for those who plead.
We are the hands of Christ, sharing our bread to feed.
We are the hands of Christ, serving the ones who need.
A heart of love is pure and kind.
It knows no evil ways.
It's jealous not, nor proud in mind.
Its patience never fails.
Today I'm counting on a new beginning
with a reason for living with a deeper meaning
because God has blessed me with many good things.
I have been through a lot,
I was lost, it felt scary. I couldn't see where I was going. Blinded by thoughts, that weren't true. I was diagnosed with a lot of things. Sometimes I would try to die. Not even care about...
We've been given the greatest gift,
The most precious, wonderful promise ever made.
It's about the resurrection.
This truth will never fade.
C - Christ is born in Bethlehem this night.
H - Holy Child, God's Heavenly Light.
R - Rejoicing in song by angels at His birth.
I - Illumination of a star from Heaven to Earth.
R emembering days
E ver so gray.
S ad with despair.
T hen Jesus stepped in,
G-is for the Gift that God has given to us.
R-is for the Righteousness he gave to guide us.
A-is for the Almighty God we love to serve.
C-is for the Cross he was on that set us free.
The small road I point to will lead you to life.
The journey looks harder; it seems to have strife.
The large road is wider, looks easy, I know;
Many do go there, where death takes its toll.
On a winter Sunday mass,
A new priest greets
The parishioners with a sunny smile.
He reminds everyone
A great Light has dawned -
For all mankind tonight.
Over a humble, old stable,
The Christ star shines bright.
Once upon a time
In a faraway Land
A little King was born
In a place called Bethlehem