21. Blown With The Wind
I imagined, though ever so brief, that I was a leaf;
And the wind blew me off my tree.
I was excited - even delighted,
Because of the wonderful sights I would see.
I imagined, though ever so brief, that I was a leaf;
And the wind blew me off my tree.
I was excited - even delighted,
Because of the wonderful sights I would see.
Famous Poem
"Come, little leaves," said the wind one day.
"Come o'er the meadows with me, and play'
Put on your dress of red and gold,—
Summer is gone, and the days grow cold."
The fiery red and crunchy leaves
come as the summer flees.
The green grass gleams
Warm fall afternoons,
crisp cool eves with harvest moons,
crickets singing tunes,
I'm so happy you enjoyed "Hello Autumn." It has always been my favorite season of the year. I had to think of a way to sum it up completely for a Haiku style poem and this is what I came up...
When Summer's silent song is done
And Autumn air has now begun,
Rustic red leaves
Drop from the tall trees.
Famous Poem
The leaves are fading and falling,
The winds are rough and wild,
The birds have ceased their calling,
But let me tell, you my child,
Famous Poem
The birds laugh loud and long together
When Fashion's followers speed away
At the first cool breath of autumn weather.
Why, this is the time, cry the birds, to stay!
Wild winds whistle through Autumn's rustling leaves,
Trees of gold like amber flames sway softly with the rising breeze,
The cool crisp air of Autumn in the stillness of darkening skies,
Tender leaves fall gently, reflecting the tears of Autumn's cry.
There's an early morning stillness,
A pure, pastoral peace.
A silence so consuming
It sedates and comforts me.
Fall is my favorite time of the year, too, and Patricia spells it out beautifully! I am able to 'see' all that she is talking about. From "the pumpkins on my front porch" and "the crimson...
In the silence of the morning
When the birds are first to wake
Floating leaves of reddish orange
Ride the breeze to paths they take
Ann, Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. It's always nice hearing from you and reading your poetry as well.
Famous Poem
November now is here,
With skies of leaden hue,
And gloomy days and drear,
And winds that pierce us through.
It's Autumn once more,
What a sight to behold,
Streets lined with crimson
And laden with gold,
The endless green of summer
Has turned to golds and reds,
While the leaves are all a flutter,
Making pillows for our heads.
Autumn leaves are falling
Soft, golden, and brown
The sun lends them a glowing hue
As they slide down to the ground.
The smell of cold leaves awakens my nose
Wispy fog in the air dampens my clothes
It's amazing that it's here! It's finally here!
The woods are ablaze with golden light,
And the sky seems painted by a child
In the deepest blue, an impossible hue.
Lovely poem, Bettina. I have never been to Europe but plan to visit it someday. But I have stayed in the North eastern part of USA for quite a few years, and hands down fall is my favorite...
Famous Poem
So bright in death I used to say,
So beautiful through frost and cold!
A lovelier thing I know to-day,
The leaf is growing old,
September enters- Autumn's hazy days...
Warm golden sun, shadows dance and play.
Seeds are released, Finches feed their way,
Blackberries plump, ripened, have come to stay...
Autumn mornings,
Foggy and wet;
Dewy grass -
With diamonds beset.
Famous Poem
The laughing months have all tripped gaily by,
With flower entangled hair, lips thrilled with song;
But lingering behind the merry throng
Comes one with smile more sad than any sigh,