1. The Soldier
Proud to defend his country, to protect this land.
He signed up with other soldiers to make a stand.
A band of brothers they quickly became.
Almost as long as there has been life, war has been a part of it. Mankind continues to wage war even though the consequences often breed nothing but misery. However, when a person is called to defend his or her country, or protect other defenseless people, it is his duty to fight. There is no question that there is evil in the world and we must not rest on our laurels and say it is none of our business. We cannot stand by and watch while others are being persecuted. It is the duty of mankind to uphold justice.
Proud to defend his country, to protect this land.
He signed up with other soldiers to make a stand.
A band of brothers they quickly became.
Very moving. My father, brother and husband were in the armed forces, so this poem means a lot to me. Very best wishes, Ann.
(The book I've been reading rests on my knee,
you sleep.) (Wendy Cope)
I am trying to read, I cannot sleep,
Famous Poem
'Jack fell as he'd have wished,' the mother said,
And folded up the letter that she'd read.
'The Colonel writes so nicely.' Something broke
In the tired voice that quavered to a choke.
Famous Poem
I knew a simple soldier boy
Who grinned at life in empty joy,
Slept soundly through the lonesome dark,
And whistled early with the lark.
Famous Poem
Does it matter?—losing your leg? . . .
For people will always be kind,
And you need not show that you mind
When the others come in after hunting
My grandfather was a farmer; his hands were hard and cracked
His words were soft and careful built from farming fact
The outside world was foreign, until it came to call
Taxation and enlistment for the betterment of all
Here's a friendly little greeting
Just to welcome you back home,
You serve your country admirably
As so far and wide you roam.
Hello Pauline,
You've penned a caring and heartfelt poem. I'm very
touched by it. My very best wishes for the contest.
When I met the tall and amiable Vietnam War veteran,
my shyness showed,
yet, my throat dried and tightened when he softly
spoke the words, "The war never goes away."
On barren land on western field
Where only sadness war can yield
On battle sites where none had grown
In fact the bravest seeds were sewn
Famous Poem
O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hail’d at the twilight’s last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight
O’er the ramparts we watch’d were so gallantly streaming?
Famous Poem
There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;
And frogs in the pools singing at night,
The honor guard stands sentinel and stiff-backed.
Their tears silently fall, for their brotherhood was forged in combat.
One of their own will be laid to rest,
Thank you so much for your kind words. They mean so much. I have put together a manuscript and have submitted to a couple of places where I did get contract offers, but they weren't what I...
Behold the aging soldier. He's grown longer in the tooth.
He wears the scars of battle that had squandered all his youth.
Although his war has ended, he finds much to his dismay.
The demons that now haunt him just don't seem to go away.
A young boy playing games of war,
His imaginings filled with innocence, unaware of reality's horror.
He heard a voice filled with cadences being sung like hymns,
Veterans are men and women,
who fight because they care.
They give their lives to serve our country,
by land, by sea, or by air.
They sacrificed their lives, entered the gates of hell,
Onward they stumbled, while all around them fell,
War weary, ragged, faces dirt encrusted, black.
Impatient for the whistle, ready for attack.
Listen to the distant drums.
Listen to the bugles calls.
Row upon row the poppies grow,
Each one a symbol to brave men we will never know.
They stood before us, they stood up straight,
A man walked up to me some time ago.
He had a story he wanted me to know.
He reached out his hand to shake mine,
I pledge allegiance to the American Flag; forever may she wave.
God bless those covered with her as they're lowered to their grave.
We must not take for granted the freedoms that we share
and the soldiers that protect us in our darkest hour.