War Poem

I wrote this verse a few years ago for my friend, who has two sons, one was in the army and the other, in the navy. They both ended up in Iraq, fighting in the war. My friend needed something to help her take her mind of her sons both being in a war zone at the same time. It helped a little, and yes, they both made it home ok.

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Hello Pauline, You've penned a caring and heartfelt poem. I'm very touched by it. My very best wishes for the contest.

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Home From The War

© more by Pauline Faller

Published by Family Friend Poems February 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

Here's a friendly little greeting
Just to welcome you back home,
You serve your country admirably
As so far and wide you roam.

The folks back home, they love you
It's for those you go to fight,
By being shipped to foreign lands
To help put their wrongs to right.

The act of war is so horrific
Many lives, they have been lost,
You wonder if it's worth it all
When there's so much human cost.

But now the war is over
And the fighting's all but done,
Your friends and family miss you loads
It's time to come on home.

A change of scene is what you need
The battleground is no more,
For nowhere else on earth compares
To your homelands welcome shore.


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Hello Pauline,
You've penned a caring and heartfelt poem. I'm very
touched by it. My very best wishes for the contest.

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