21. Field Of Poppies
Row upon row the poppies grow,
Each one a symbol to brave men we will never know.
They stood before us, they stood up straight,
Row upon row the poppies grow,
Each one a symbol to brave men we will never know.
They stood before us, they stood up straight,
He stands tall
He stands proud
In a foreign country
Among a foreign crowd
Best poem I've read since I've been on the group. You are very close to my style and War is something I've been close enough to write about. Really moving poem you have written here and clear...
Amidst the desert sands dawnings just begun,
battle rages on, bombing veils the rising sun.
A boy not yet a man holds a picture to his heart
of loved ones not forgotten though oceans keep them apart.
War has never been a better way to resolve conflicts but peace. For while war leave people displaced, maimed and killed, peace sure does the reverse. This poem is so touching. I love it.
We have an understanding, you and I.
We sit in silence; nothing needs to be said.
I know the weight you carry.
(The book I've been reading rests on my knee,
you sleep.) (Wendy Cope)
I am trying to read, I cannot sleep,
A man walked up to me some time ago.
He had a story he wanted me to know.
He reached out his hand to shake mine,
My darling, words cannot say
How proud I am of you today.
You're beautiful, courageous, good, and strong.
Taking up the cause to right the wrongs
This poem has risen my emotions, i have shed tears as i scrolled down the lines. However thank you for reminding me of my fallen soldier brother, Simbwa, who died of multiple injuries just...
A young boy playing games of war,
His imaginings filled with innocence, unaware of reality's horror.
He heard a voice filled with cadences being sung like hymns,
From year to year he drifts alone.
His story only few have known.
About a boy who went to war,
Famous Poem
Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
I pledge allegiance to the American Flag; forever may she wave.
God bless those covered with her as they're lowered to their grave.
We must not take for granted the freedoms that we share
and the soldiers that protect us in our darkest hour.
Waves lap against our boat
As we wait in the cold.
Wrap ourselves in our coat,
Waiting for the order to be told.
He is an armchair critic
Who likes to watch the news.
Staring at his old TV,
He mumbles as he views,
Wow, I love your poem.. Hats off to your old forgotten soldier.
My Marine so far from home.
Over seas, but not alone.
I hold you close in my thoughts and prayers.
Missing you through all my tears.
Driving home one day after hours of monotonous office work,
Saw a man sitting by the road; looked as one down on his luck.
Paid small notice to the figure; my lonely life was in a rut.
He was just another beggar holding out a shiny tin cup.
What a beautiful poem. God bless all the veterans: dead, alive, and the ones still fighting. To all of you, a proud salute, my prayers, and love.
Running through the battlefield, bracing for the bang.
Cannons fire near me, metal swords go clang.
Everyone I know and love could flash before my eyes.
There are times we want to forget,
Like when troubles and sadness we've met,
But this day in November
We'll always remember
So many in my family went to war. And most came back. I am lucky and want to recognize all the people who have lost their lives to protect you.
When I met the tall and amiable Vietnam War veteran,
my shyness showed,
yet, my throat dried and tightened when he softly
spoke the words, "The war never goes away."
Famous Poem
I know that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate,
Those that I guard I do not love;
I don't want him to go.
I don't want him to leave.
What can I do?
All I do is plead.