War Poem

Poem By Mother Of A Marine

I am a mother of three sons. My oldest son, Tim, is a Lance Corporal in the Marine Corps. My biggest fear was that he would want to enlist in the military. I knew if he joined he would end up, sooner or later, overseas. He currently is stationed in Iraq. This poem is about him. I work with teenagers and young adults with physical and mental disabilities. These students teach me something every day. I love what I do, what I can offer these kids and what they have to offer me. This is my ninth year in this line of work.

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Best poem I've read since I've been on the group. You are very close to my style and War is something I've been close enough to write about. Really moving poem you have written here and clear...

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My Son


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2008 with permission of the Author.

He stands tall
He stands proud
In a foreign country
Among a foreign crowd

He leaves his family
He leaves his home
To fight for our rights
A new land he'll roam

He agrees to sacrifice
For his Country and God
All that he knows
With barely a nod

He withstands the heat
Death and despair
So we may carry on
With little a care

His days are long
His responsibilities many
But when asked what he needs
He says "I don't need any"

To hear his voice
To see his face
Any time
Any place

These are times
I treasure most
Before he has
To return to his post

The quick hello
That all-knowing smile
This man before me
Going the extra mile

Counting the days
Until his return
Each and every hour
I wish to burn

My Love for him
From the very start
Filled every depth
Of my heart

He's one of the best
And second to none
He is a Marine


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Dave Begley by Dave Begley
  • 7 years ago

Best poem I've read since I've been on the group. You are very close to my style and War is something I've been close enough to write about. Really moving poem you have written here and clear to understand. I love it. 5 stars from me.

  • Dolores by Dolores
  • 11 years ago

I had 2 sons in the Marines and a daughter in the Army, I understand your fear. May God bless your son and keep him safe, I always pray for our service men and women as well as their families, time will pass and your love will return.

  • Deborah by Deborah, San Antonio
  • 14 years ago

My son will soon be deployed. This poem touched my heart. Thank you for this poem and may God keep all our Armed Forces safe and bring them home to their families.

  • Cindy by Cindy, Arizona
  • 14 years ago

This poem so touched my heart. My son is also a LCpl in the Marines and is now in Afghanistan. I count the seconds minutes hours and days until he can come home. God Bless you and thank you for this poem, I shared it with my FB friends.

Although I always read "Poem of the Day" I do not usually comment. However, this poem was fascinating. I have nothing but the utmost respect for anyone who serves our great country and provides us the freedom we all cherish. Your poem is a tremendous tribute to your son. I salute you for writing this poem and more importantly I salute your son and all our military men and woman.
May God bless them all as well as America.

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