61. The Middle
When choices present throughout the whole day
Enticing you to go this or that way
With convincing arguments that both sides portray;
I find answers are oft in the middle.
When choices present throughout the whole day
Enticing you to go this or that way
With convincing arguments that both sides portray;
I find answers are oft in the middle.
Love is like a bicycle
Left out in the storm
If it's not protected
Rust begins to form
Tiny little secrets
Get buried in the dirt,
And if they were dug up,
Someone would probably get hurt,
I don’t know if that’s true, because sometimes it's better to hide the hurtful secrets because the world these days will probably laugh at you then do nothing for a few days then decide...
If they make you
work for their attention
fight for their affection
beg for their love
A sad truth that takes many of us far too long to realize. Just because we want something or even think we deserve it, doesn't mean we will get it or even need it.
If you're tired of doing nothing
Rubbing your eyes until they're red
Getting bored and feeling blank
With no thoughts in your head
We are never finished products,
No matter how long we live.
There's always something we can add,
Like learning to forgive.
Winter oh winter, how long will you stay?
Winter good old winter will you ever go away?
I liked you in the beginning and in the middle you were fine!
But, can someone pass me some crackers to go with my whine?
What are the lessons that we so deeply need to learn?
Are they lessons of making things better and bright?
Are they lessons of change making things right?
What are we meant for? What does God have planned for us? We all have a purpose; that's what keeps us going, to keep living, to find out what we are meant to do in the world. God chooses our...
Striving daily for progress,
Learning a paradox too --
That it's not always forward movement;
Sometimes, the reverse will do.
I've only just found this poem of yours - I like it very much. I must look out for more of your work. Very best wishes, Ann.
I know forgiveness is good for my soul and my health.
A smile on my face is definitely my personal wealth.
I've lived too long holding a grudge
And found out if I wanted it to end I had to budge,
Sometimes your best isn't enough
And happiness comes after sorrow
Life isn't always going to be rough
Yet, I can't speak for tomorrow
I sat at the bedside
of a dying man.
With tears in his eyes,
he reached for my hand.
Have you ever fought an ego?
It's a pretty tough thing to beat
It has no face, no head, no heart
It has no hands or feet
You can be unhappy and still be in love.
You can be in love and still walk away.
You can walk away and still feel the weight of loss.
You can feel the weight of loss and still stand tall.
We sometimes complain that times are rough.
Money is tight and the going is tough.
The problem of life seems to conspire
To shake you, break you, and drag you through mire
There would have been
so much I would have
done differently
if only I had known
First off, I like the poem. I too have pondered that same notion about going back in time and changing things for a better outcome. It's hard to say either way. Things could have been better...
Can a lush green forest grow
On a barren piece of land?
Or a building be constructed
On a giant heap of sand?
When you are willing
to let go of
what you are used to
and what you are
There's a goal in mind
Of riches and fame
There's a goal in mind
Of a well-known name
I used to believe
that I had to learn
how to love myself
before I could take care