21. Climb Every Mountain
We all have a massive mountain to climb,
Especially those who've lost someone dear.
But climb that big mountain, we surely must,
If we are going to overcome fear.
We all have a massive mountain to climb,
Especially those who've lost someone dear.
But climb that big mountain, we surely must,
If we are going to overcome fear.
Famous Poem
Courage isn't a brilliant dash,
A daring deed in a moment's flash;
It isn't an instantaneous thing
Born of despair with a sudden spring
When all the doors shut in your face,
Have faith and continue to praise.
When you can't bear the thought of yesterday and dread tomorrow,
At birth,
she was strong.
It was her
This is very similar to my younger sister. About 2 years ago she was really sick. I look back on pictures of her before she was diagnosed (T1D) and I can't believe I didn't notice something...
A sunflower will grow
With much beauty to show,
But the wind must blow,
Which brings the rain and the snow.
She wildly dances
to the beat of her own heart
a strong and fearless protector,
she’s hauntingly beautiful
If I could, I would remove all your fears
If I could, I would remove all your tears
If I could, I would make life painless
If I could, I would give you all your courage
I am broken,
Shattered into irreparable pieces.
Who is going to save me?
When will all of this cease?
Just because you don't like what I am,
Just because you don't like what I've become,
Just because you don't like me,
I'm 13 years old and I'm bisexual. My family is Christian and nobody knows but my sister. She's bi also. I wanna tell them, but I don't know how they'll react.
Famous Poem
I know what the caged bird feels, alas!
When the sun is bright on the upland slopes;
When the wind stirs soft through the springing grass,
And the river flows like a stream of glass;
If Paul Laurence Dunbar were still here on earth, I'd tell him how wonderful those words were in his poem called Sympathy. A bird needs to feel the wind beneath its wings, for the freedom...
Take a step back,
Learn how to breathe.
Take a step back
And just be.
This was a beautiful poem about taking control. I deeply enjoyed this, especially because at the moment, I am going under quite a large amount of stress. There is a huge exam that includes...
Who is that man?
Staring back at me
Is he a part of my past?
Or who I am destined to be?
Dude, I understand completely. Sometimes I don't know who I am or who I'm supposed to be.
Famous Poem
when I watch you
wrapped up like garbage
sitting, surrounded by the smell
of too old potato peels
Famous Poem
Your world is as big as you make it.
I know, for I used to abide
In the narrowest nest in a corner,
My wings pressing close to my side.
A match was struck that ignited the flame.
Now ashes and rubble are all that remain.
Defeated, she's left standing alone,
Be brave.
You already are.
Look at what you've made it through.
The wounds of your past have healed.
It is a poem which infuses courage to those who have direct experience of war, making them think positively about life, forgetting the bitter past. We also faced a similar situation as a...
Famous Poem
Defeat, my Defeat, my solitude and my aloofness;
You are dearer to me than a thousand triumphs,
And sweeter to my heart than all world-glory.
A single flash of a camera
And a moment frozen in time
Can never truly tell the tale
Of that child left behind.
It takes a certain courage:
Just to be,
to fight for your happiness
When half of your body
fails to respond,
And words and phrases
are there, but then gone...
Thank you so much for taking the time to send a message and share with me a brief glimpse into your life experience! None of us can truly understand what you've been through since...