21. Judgments
You don't get to judge me
Till you've walked in my shoes,
Till you've carried my burdens
And paid all my dues,
You don't get to judge me
Till you've walked in my shoes,
Till you've carried my burdens
And paid all my dues,
Fantastic poem - well done. So true. That says it all. I just wish I had written it myself.
May your blessings be many
and your troubles be few.
And may you feel God's presence
in all you say and do.
The poet, Lenora, has reached the pinnacle of a wish. A human being flourishes within a society and he has lots to give to that society and not to forget he must have the bliss from God. The...
None of us can stop.
We all want to get to the top.
We want to finish in front of the line,
But we're running out of time.
That is so true. So many people think life is just about having an education and getting a job and earning money, but you're right. Life is so much more. Most people fail to realize that...
Focus on self only makes
the world a dreary place to live.
But you make it a brighter scene
when you find a way to give.
"Leave a gift for someone
who won't find out it's from you."
That is hitting the bull's eye of generosity, and it's fun.
Black is
Black is as beautiful as a bed of milky white clouds.
Black is as beautiful as soft as a newborn baby hair.
Black is as beautiful as standing up for what is right.
It really touched me and I am going to use it to motivate and encourage others. Some of our black brothers and sisters hate themselves because they are black.
There are only a handful of people
You'll meet in life
That truly touch your heart
And make you glad you're alive
Our son, Christian, passed away suddenly at the age of 26 on October 20th, 2006. I came across this poem; it reminded me so much of our Christian. He had that type of personality and the...
When word comes that you are gone
what will be said of you?
Those who only knew you casually
will say charitable platitudes.
This is such an interesting point of view, and honestly, I believe we should start having more in-depth speeches for those who have passed at funerals now. This poem has changed my thinking!
All I want is a home of my own
I'm not too demanding you'll see
A bowl of food, the occasional bone
And I promise I'll be good company
A very moving poem. Since my dog died last year a number of people have suggested that I might find a dog to replace her in a rescue home. Best wishes, Ann
Be kind and caring in all that you do
Because no one knows what another goes through.
Be kind and caring in all that you say.
If you can't be kind, sit down and pray.
One kind word can change a thought,
It can change an opinion,
Change a mind.
Teach me patience, when there is anger,
Teach me strength, when there is injustice,
Teach me compassion, when there is need,
Teach me empathy, when there is sadness,
You don’t have to be a hero
To relieve an aching heart,
To ease the burdens on his shoulder
A kind word will make a start.
Could there be a world of caring?
Offering our goodwill and sharing
Makes this world a finer place.
Pitying the broken of our race
Do you feel the pain I feel when I leave you in this place ?
the heartache and the grief are etched in the lines upon your face
I truly hate to leave you...but you know the time has come
and you'll be so well cared for..in this lovely nursing home
To those who partied around the world
Or those that lay in bed and curled
up to the one they hold so dear
I wish you all Happy New year.
Famous Poem
Of the good in you I can speak, but not of the evil.
For what is evil but good tortured by its own hunger and thirst?
Verily when good is hungry it seeks food even in dark caves, and when it thirsts it drinks even of dead waters.
Ears that hear, eyes that see,
A heart that understands.
One who sees the broken pieces,
Gently holding them in your hands.
Outside my window flowers bloom
In a rampant disarray.
They pay no heed to color schemes
In their wonderful display.
Famous Poem
A little more kindness and a little less greed;
A little more giving and a little less need;
A little more smile and a little less frown;
A little less kicking a man when he's down;
Famous Poem
There are two kinds of people on earth to-day;
Just two kinds of people, no more, I say.
Not the sinner and saint, for it’s well understood,