81. A Light Has Dawned
A great Light has dawned -
For all mankind tonight.
Over a humble, old stable,
The Christ star shines bright.
A great Light has dawned -
For all mankind tonight.
Over a humble, old stable,
The Christ star shines bright.
October's old witches and goblins have gone
The turkey and stuffing are done
The wind brings a chill as December arrives
The tree lights all twinkle as one
The moon reflects the fallen snow
And makes it light as day
I lay awake upon my bed,
As the clock tick tocks away.
There was a voice in the wilderness,
An eerie, heart-rending, dismal sound.
'Twas Elfie the elf, and he'd gotten lost.
All he could see was snow and frost.
Famous Poem
The minstrels played their Christmas tune
To-night beneath my cottage-eaves;
While, smitten by a lofty moon,
The encircling laurels, thick with leaves,
Once upon a time
In a faraway Land
A little King was born
In a place called Bethlehem
The prophets announced Christ's birth
that He would one day come to earth.
He was sent by the Father to pay a price,
and He became the living sacrifice.
Famous Poem
Star of the East, that long ago
Brought wise men on their way
Where, angels singing to and fro,
The Child of Bethlehem lay—
That cheerful feeling
In the air
With a bit of love
All around
There's something truly magical
that happens once a year.
He comes while you are sleeping,
he and his reindeer.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye there is much to do,
But the reindeer up north have caught the flu!
The presents are wrapped, the sleigh is all set,
This has so much imagination! Really cute.
Famous Poem
Just as the moon was fading
Amid her misty rings,
And every stocking was stuffed
With childhood’s precious things,
The kitten's in pajamas,
The puppy wears a bow.
Dad's dressed just like a candy cane:
Red stripes from head to toe.
Pure delight reading this poem. I am sitting here with a great big smile on my face. Thank you. Very best wishes, Ann.
Winter time is here again, the trees are all but bare
It's time to don the scarves and boots, & warmer things to wear.
Bikinis, shorts and summer tops, have all been packed away
They won't see the light again, till next year's summer's day.